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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. i'm very sure, i tested with anytime both at mdt arena and outside aden yesterday for about half hour. i don't know what happened exactly, but as far as i know, if he got blocked from behind by an sws, and the backstab showed only 1 damage, chances are that maybe he got some lag from either server or his connection, and the positioning display on screen was wrong. it might be that he failed to land backstab, but the server registred the failed land on character anyway with only 1 damage. i'm no tech expert, so can't say for sure.
  2. tested block chance today for about 1-200 times each with normal attacks, on characters without any shield passive, and on sws/bd. results: [char with no passive] -block from front: yes -block from sides: no -block from behind: no [sws/bd - passive lv28] -block from front: yes -block from sides: no -block from behind: no therefore, the only classes that can block from all directions still remain shilen knights and temple knights due to the passive skill aegis( wich i have NOT tested :v ). if someone else wants to give it a try and see if it works properly, feel free to do so. normal block works as intended, i guess. [edit] is the current land-rate of blows boosted in this server compared to offi? i'm asking because after watching some funny stuff today, if it gets nerfed fixed in 2.0, good luck at landing anything in pvp if not 100% behind the target with daggers
  3. more like 90% of glads can't be bothered to recharge sonic focus during mid-fight, wich is the biggest mistake possible. there's also people that still use DSS before TSS because "hurr durr it haz faster cooldown!!!1!1!" so...yeah as for daggers: ​in 2.0 to be really effective u need to get to triclass first, and then hit 77. after that, you need to get clear movements, and then you can reset the cooldown of hide and shadow step. that way u can become pretty much untargettable for a short amount of time, with better chances to cancel enemy skills casting too. i still think that giving them stun on shadow step would be still a somewhat viable solution to their lack of ccs anyway, since there's no bluff skill after 76. not sure if they'll add it on live server in KR thou.
  4. Arcanum


    warlord, just like destroyer, work better with HP builds due to passive and active skills/buffs. of course, you can play it aggressive too if you want and go +STR -DEX for pvp, if you have good supports that can heal you. otherwise, +CON -DEX is the way to go for pvp. you will still keep a decent amount of STR to make damage, you'll be more tanky and have better chances to activate full hp heals. the only issue with CON builds is that sadly they don't increase resist stun anymore in classic, otherwise WLs and destros full buffed would have become pretty much unstoppable. i still remember playing WL back in c5 with +5 CON, set nightmare heavy and SA health on spear. good times
  5. well, gladi with mace+shield is still somewhat viable for pvp, if you really want that extra damage mitigation from archers( mostly from Fatal Counter :v ), or if you just want to stunlock people to death, or stun 2+ people at once in group pvp. gonna be fun watching half parties getting stunned by gladis when they don't get focused, i should try as well sometimes if it's about speed, nothing beats tyrants. with gladi u need to recharge sonic force at least to 3 in order to use the 2nd lv of dash, and while moving u can only recharge up to 2 sonic forces from 0 with stones, so u need to stop in order to charge the 3rd. those few seconds will entirely screw up your chances to catch up during a long run, while tyrant can keep running as much as usain bolt if not even more. there's also tales of tyrants with bw heavy, ww2, zerk2 and song of wind actually breaking the wall of sound and making the server crash, althou i never experienced anything like that so far ​
  6. SK actually was never a paper tank. it's just that most people pretend to play it as traditional tank, when instead they should play it like a mage. it was also a bit more stronger back in interlude, when they had arrest too. now u can't kite as much as back in those days, sadly. as for tyrants - glads: yeah, tyrants are way better than gladi. at running
  7. ​i can help testing with my BD, they get pretty much the same passives for shield up until lv28: thing is, without the aegis passive skill, people shouldn't be able to block from behind at all. if they do, then it means that the block chance is not based on positioning like it should, but it's based on chance alone. and since CON increases shield block chance as well, it's even worse.
  8. well, 100 tries are pretty much the standard for testing. in order to get more accurate numbers, tests should be done at least a thousand times, wich is not exactly the fastest approach. anyhow, i could understand if any char blocked a hit from behind very rarely, like once over 4-500 times, but if it happens too often on random classes, then playing dagger is indeed pointless. especially if you include miss chance on blows, no effective ccs( no wonder they want to add stun on shadow step ), and no damage skills with ignore shield defence. dealing damage right now it's just like playing with a slot machine.
  9. then i smell block chance/positioning testing " coming soon™ "
  10. ​well, if it was with deadly, there could be that texture bug where u see it from back, but your character somehow gets in front of it and it could block deadly, however backstab either lands which means it was from back, so only tanks should be able to block it, or it failed and dealt 0 dmg because it was from front (ps: i still think block rate vs blows works kinda weird, but i guess daggers will get some major rework once 2.0 preparations are over) ​Its not texture bug, he was dashing to sws from behind. And his backstab failed. And its not the first time when happens to people with shield ​failed to land, or got blocked? because if it was from behind and got blocked, then there's something wrong with block chance, since only TK and SK have aegis:
  11. ​1) no, as sws doesn't have aegis, so in theory u can't block from behind. i'm saying theory because i don't know how block chance is set in this server. only TK and SK have it, so if you're behind a target and you get blocked, there's something wrong with either positioning, or block chance itself. 2) no idea. at this point, there's also to consider if vicious stance and death whisper are working properly or not. 3) still no idea, but i believe i've read somewhere that half kills shouldn't be in classic at all, same as lethals. cba to check daggers oly atm guess someone isn't happy about his class transfer, huehuehue :v
  12. so basicly the land rate is fixed from lower to same level by the same %. now i'm curious about how the land rate of debuffs is affecting higher levels. i believe there was a thread with infos somewhere, but haven't found it. as far as i remember, 2 level difference should mantain the same % of landing debuffs on higher lv targets, but can't remember how it goes on 3/4/5 levels higher. after 6 i guess that the chances become pretty much the lowest. if we include resist buffs, i guess the chance is non-existant at all.
  13. koreans usually tend to "balance" classes in their games based on overall group play, not based on single classes. the only exception to this rule is probably BladeAndSoul, but that's it. they can't be bothered with actually working to improve pvp balance for every class simply because they can just make new items and pretend they'll fix the issue. it's easier, probably faster, and if there's a cash shop involved, even better( for them ). JP classic right now is the perfect example of P2W. and it's even free to play( with region lock ).
  14. it's official: koreans have no fucking clue about the meaning of "balance". talismans are not a viable solution to the problem anyway, especially when they come with a high price, they're not permament, and they have long cds/short duration. that's just the lazy way to trying solve the problem. sadly, the game was overall more balanced back in interlude times than in classic. there were still some classes that had advantages over others, but at least those weren't as strong as they are in this chronicle. fear wasn't a joke like it is now, and it was only a secondary factor.
  15. i still don't get what's the point of having 3 epics that needs months to be upgraded at lv3, and then a new one with just a standard lv. korean logic as usual, i guess.
  16. Arcanum


    then ​remove the drop chance on death like they did in previous chronicles, problem solved. but then i guess some kids would start crying 'cause they can't grief other people under mobs anymore
  17. Arcanum


    ​Aion, for example, forced you to wait 10 seconds before being able to restart or log off, and if you were attacked or started moving in the meantime, the countdown would cancel itself automaticly. i'm sure it would be very fun( for me, at least ) if they implemented something like that here, however i'm also sure that the forum would be flooded all day by endless crying threads
  18. it's just me, or that function is actually not working anymore on our forum? i'm asking 'cause i tried to put another user in block list to avoid reading his stuff, but after selecting the name only a confirm message popped up and nothing else happened, while previously you could setup what to ignore( signature, posts, etc ). the user wasn't added in block list and the name remained tagged in the search bar. or perhaps it's only an issue with the browser? i'm using google chrome atm, never had problem before.
  19. i'd like to see them trying to defend their 2 castles against both alliances at once since they're so good, and see how it goes. but then the hopes for a 3rd side would probably vanish like a fart in the wind
  20. i'm using target macros only for healers and supports, otherwise i take other targets with mouse on the go. if i had to make a macro for every single war nickname, i wouldn't need a macro window, i would need a book instead switching targets between heals/supports during mass pvp with mouse alone isn't very reliable thou, especially when u have 30+ people in front of you, and the names you want are running all around behind them. good luck picking specific targets with mouse alone in that situation. needless to say that people who pvp usually prefer to go with /useforceskill macros in bar simply because it's way more comfortable than pressing ctrl everytime u need to attack someone. then there's macros for buffs, macros for items, macros for assist, etc. anyone doing active pvp will have at least 20 macros used for sure. i'm not against the idea, but i guess the only reason to increase the default amount would be just to have more space for target macros.
  21. silence on duals was pretty op for gladi. anyone else was running with cancel spear simply because it was very annoying
  22. so, if without mental the fear skill from wc was about 50%, with mental it should have a very low chance to land, if none at all. now that horror has been confirmed to be broken, i'm more interested in the basic land rate of curse fear from necro. is it the same as WC fear, or that's boosted as much as horror? as far as i remember, resistance buffs never shortened the duration of debuffs.