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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. ​the problem is that they can use the same talismans as well. so we're back at square one. if by debuff champions you mean fear-locking classes: - any DA could just kite some talismans off, or pop up UD and wait until the talismans effects are off; - kiting goes for every other class with fear, with the difference that they won't have any other tools except running around to avoid talismans effects regarding debuffs. i still wonder why they didn't add buffs like mental shield in oly, considering that koreans love rng a lot.
  2. flame will start in 5...4...3...2...1... well done anyway
  3. @San0 will we get the same ones listed here? to be noted: M. Skills Evasion +15% P. Skills Evasion +15% P. Def. +3600 and M. Def. +3240 for 10 sec. when used. Buff-canceling Attack Resistance +80% Restricts enemy's HP recovery up to 70% for 15 sec Removes a Debuff when used Can protect from Debuffs 5 times for 10 sec i'm ok with the other ones increasing only basic stats like p.def, m.def, etc, but these ones in my opinion are a bit too much overpowered.
  4. Arcanum


    something bothered me about dyes and stats overall, so i went to check for infos again. this is what i've found on offi wiki: considering that the stuff written there about CON and stun is wrong, at this point i wonder if even MEN works at all against debuffs or not. if those infos are not reliable because partially wrong(wich is very bad, considering they're from offi source), the only way to find out what works or not is by doing tests. i believe that some tests were done already on offi regarding CON not affecting stun land rate, althou i haven't seen anything regarding MEN helping to resist magical debuffs. i know it's something minor at the moment, but it might explain why some magic skills have different land rates compared to others. custom nerfs excluded, of course.
  5. ​Arcanum another mental ​if san0 would start banning all toxic kids like yourself, there would be almost nobody left from your ally posting in this forum. you guys must be living a very sad life, considering that 90% of your posts on these boards are only about flaming with no other decent arguments regarding the game. good thing that at least not everyone from your ally is like you. i'm done wasting time with scrubs anyway.
  6. there's probably more chances we'll get an H5 server first, rather than 2.0 opening. it might even take less efforts.
  7. i feel that with the recent updates, between bracelets, talismans and new instances, they're slowly but surely going back to make the same mistakes of the past on offi.
  8. people that know shit about 2.0 skills and SAs shouldn't be posting here. just sayin'.
  9. Arcanum

    Evasion͡°-͜ʖ-͡°/ if you actually looked for infos, instead of making dumb suggestions about custom evasion bonuses, at least you would get a clue. just the thought of giving a free physical/magical skill evade chance based on evasion when there's already specific skills for that was already bad enough, but when you decided to pull every class into discussion, you lost entirely your right to be taken seriously. and respect has nothing to do with it. being free to express your opinion doesn't mean that you're free from criticism too. i'm out of here anyway, wasted enough time already.
  10. ​Not very helpful - I've found many, many spellbooks in game's droplist that are not listed on l2wiki. ​well, your post isn't helpful either
  11. i honestly hope they'll never open it. and i'm not saying it to be an asshole, there's simply so much stuff in classic that still needs to be updated/fixed that it's not even funny.
  13. Arcanum


    ​ ultimate evasion is there for a reason, you know. ​what about those who dont have it ha? like dwarves tyrants warlords gladis summoners etc etc etc??? can't take you seriously. i wonder if you're even playing classic here. judging by your post, i think you're far behind in chronicles, like stone age. at least get your infos updated, before coming here to post nonsense: and that's probably not the only surprise you'll find. as for the rest: evasion has always been a shitty stat anyway. there's no amount of evasion/DEX that will save you from physical/magical skills, so get used to it. the only ones that ever got benefits from it were elf daggers with sws song and evasion/DEX sets back in c4 times while doing PvE, wich is basicly millennia ago. times have changed, better move on.
  14. DA over SR? that's like choosing between a wall and a piece of paper. hard choice indeed
  15. Arcanum


    ​ ultimate evasion is there for a reason, you know.
  16. Arcanum


    regarding DA's fear: it would be nice to see some tests about that as well. i checked fear from WC recently, it was WC 71 against gladi 67 with no buffs, and the land rate was about 50% too. so now i'm curious about the land rate of all other fears from the other classes. if it's around 50% on every class without buffs, then it shouldn't be too much overpowered. on the other hand, if some specific skills are boosted, i'd like to know if it's the same on offi. 'cause you know, we already have custom skills nerfed for "balance" reasons, might as well test some more and see how it goes.
  17. Arcanum


    surely not 50%. if they will ever consider putting it to 75%, it would already be more accurate. then you also have to consider if the target has lionheart or not.
  18. Arcanum

    LS considering the amount of classes that can stun in classic, i doubt any sane player will go for DC sets unless they plan to use them for PvE. and even for PvE it's debatable, except for DC light.
  19. Arcanum


    mental shield gives resist to hold, sleep and mental attacks, but it says nothing about paralyze. and as far as i remember, only fear is considered as mental attack. or target-removing skills eventually. paralyze should be a debuff similar to stun, only difference is that it should be magical, not physical, as it inflicts non-attribute damage(and it was also bugged until some time ago, since it added m.atk to spell power, althou i don't know if it's been fixed yet or not). the only thing that should give paralyze resist in game should be the Lionheart self buff from warrior classes.
  20. c4 times were the best. you had teleports from towns locked in order to prevent bigger factions from taking all castles(sounds familiar?), so with that limitation people were forced to focus on 1-2 sieges at max. clan halls back in the days also played a strategic role for sieges, while in classic(or at least on this server) they're here just for show. need to talk with san0 about couple things anyway, there's some issues regarding sieges that could(and probably will) be abused if nothing is done to prevent them. it's not about flags, but i'll keep what i have to say for myself just to avoid giving ideas for exploits to some retard.
  21. on a side note: u can simply delete the obscene .dat file in the system folder, and you will totally remove the censorship on offensive words. only problem is that it will download the file again if you launch the game from updater, so you'll have to launch from game directly from folder.
  22. ​they'll exp way more with CP than with randoms anyway
  23. ​half of vigi ally))) ​too bad that the facts actually show otherwise, but feel free to keep dreaming. i always enjoy watching percunas restart or PR in loa due to lack of balls for pvp. guess doing pvp with us must be really scary for some people U're not even coming in loa wtf ​i'm actually running in every end-game zone for pvp, but apparently you guys are so busy at farming that you don't even see who's killing you there's a difference between using PR when being attacked under a train, and PR just to avoid pvp like you do cause of lack of balls. beside, you guys never come back unless you manage to get more people than the party that killed you/made you PR, so i don't understand why u even bother talking about pvp, when you try to avoid it most of the time. i'm done with wasting time here anyway, time to go hunt for war