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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1. ​dude, becoz rizos was careless, no one robed anything from him, they didnt even place camera to watch over for enemies, and you guys afk but dont relog in karik bridge? no one log Rizos char and trade his orfen lv3, he made mistake and he paid for that, its a part of the game ​did i say it's not his fault? he was being careless and so were YOU when buying gear for a char you clearly didn't own. My point was nobody of us made a thread to complain when this happened or when soil was spying on us on siege. It's your OWN mistake , own up to it and move on , the same way our side did with the things I listed.
  2. Sure it sucks for you, but i am sure you do realize it's your own fault you chose to equip a character you don't own. Also both sides use dirty tricks, but i haven't seen anyone complain about rizos getting killed to mobs while afk or soil joining our CC on siege.
  3. ​well atm its 25% with MS after fix it should be 35% , what this would make is fear worth to be cast in pvp's cuze at 25% in bigger numbers pvp its just better to spam dmg than to try 25% chance fear :>
  4. Bump still waiting for the fix.. I know you guys are busy with 2.0 but should be easy fix i think :P
  5. BlackJack

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    ​Hello there, so why u didnt put a vid when u died at bridge to my pt, when we had only dd's active? If u can see we were w/o rizo, and boxed PS AD pt did much more than your bot pt. PSS Still didnt get any pm's from your pt about 9v9. CYA ​Not my fault rizzo's dropped level 3 orfen and was too ashamed to login. Point still remains you got SMASHED by this "Bot" party who have 4 level 65's, NO DEATHS. Russian propaganda or what? I never got a single pm for and 9v9, only pm I got was from modoy trash talking when we ran at you 4v9 on bridge. ​Actually I was at a wedding yday, so I wasn't available to play. But I am up for 9v9 anytime . btw half of our party is under 70 as well so I have have no idea what you are talking about.
  6. ​Would be awesome if you knew how proclaimers work before making such suggestions...
  7. ​Bro please spend some time learning english, instead of ganking archers with an over leveled tank and bragging about it on forum. Your sentences are incomprehensible, if that word salad can be described as a sentence that is.. Yes modoy is forum hero and spams 24/7 but at least I can understand what he wrote. Here is a list that can help you out:
  8. ​this, its just an item , i'd still show rizos the way of fifty shades darker.
  9. I thought u were trolling on whatsapp ..
  10. ​i didnt made that topic to take a personal advantage i play 1 week i m already 38lvls i have buffer i just made that suggestions because i believe the server will gather more people that way... That's a good point, it's just some people are too closeminded here, most people who stalk this forum are dank old farts who get furious over idea of someone catching up on their hard earned fortune But to your idea: you don't have to worry about this because pretty much exactly the same thing is going to get implemented in patch 2.0 through Achievement system (you can read more about it here) - newbies are going to get various buff scrolls and XP runes along the way until level 50 ​It's not that actually , to get into details on my personal position on the lowbie buffer. I believe that there is much highier chance a player quits the game between lvl 40-50 after he has no access to such a buffer anymore and feels he is already too high to start a box buffer compared to the 20-40 curve now. Especially since lvl 20-40 parties are so easy to find.
  11. nope, you can aoe/raidboss/party farm as soon as lvl 25 until 76.
  12. ​pretty much all the info here is wrong FYI
  13. ​The second line is participation bonus for successfully finishing the raid.
  14. Pretty sure its bugged, I have 20+ pieces 1 and none from the others.
  15. BlackJack

    Plz Help

    ​Cause you are not old enough... ​ROOOOOOOOOFLLLL
  16. BlackJack

    BS is Clean

    1st fight was cool even though u should have died 50 times vs a better necro player. Most of the other fights were pretty meh? Like chasing archers and daggers with a tank is kinda pointless? It's not like they will ever kill u like EVER, literally all those people who tried to fight you with such disadvantage should have just ran away like lokiardy
  17. BlackJack

    Return to Lineage

    Yes yesterday we were 5 parties 1st time 6 parties 2nd time , we had 2 more parties of lowbies farming abg while we fight, instead of taking them as meatshield like you do fucking imbecile. Also this clip that shows we are 7-8 parties is 1 week old when u had 10-12 , so gtfo scrub , you are the joke of the server. You are so fucking stupid you don't even remember a week back. edit: Also on that same clip u can say we have 64 ppl in cc so at best 7 parties. If you watch your own clip from a week ago u can see u have 9-10 parties+ , retard. You are even too fucking bad to even notice that the crest on your own clan is different, so the clip must be old. They should buff FC more , only way you become an even better player!
  18. sounds like we need put PR in same classchange-grp with Mages then. ​Actually , that's by far the best thing to come out of this thread and a very reasonable solution.
  19. no fking words for this. Its a joke! ​Any caster with dances kills the mob the same way.
  20. BlackJack


    ​he didnt, that screenshot was photoshopped ​Fair enough. Anyways, is not like Vigilance lacks OE weapons... They even give them away fighting for the QA ​their players are mainly melee, so they use b grade over OE c grade anyway.
  21. BlackJack


    ​ughh i've never really looked into the AH but aren't most items being sold by the server? I don't see that as news.
  22. BlackJack


    ​Yes people buy homus from AH and enchant them , it's not news , its been happening forever. Also the server is 15 months old and there are ~30 staffs + 12 and 3 + 13 , what do you expect +3 SOES? after 1.5 years? . ​Gran Kain is older, bigger community, enchants in luxury, yet havent seen more than +8 on most players, except some random D grades +16 ​Maybe there was a bug at some point , but for sure was before my time playing here. Not sure about demon staff exactly, but I can tell you that buying homo 7/8 from ah and making it +10/12 is how homus are made. Warpole is right that people enchant demon's cuze the other 2 are ugly, also the head parts for the 3 staffs are/were widely available due to the massive amounts of people doing AoE in EV. And what happens with deadmans and ghul? Being sold in grocery/crystalized? Assuming they drop with same chance from same rbs etc there should be much more variety in top c mage enchanted weapons on server. ​95% of staffs come from craft or ah , so people choose demon. Ghul/deadman are 2% from ishka and arak , so thats probably 5 staffs in 2-3 months at best. You've killed those bosses dozens of times , how many have u seen drop? Now think of how many are needed to get a 10+++ staff
  23. BlackJack


    ​Yes people buy homus from AH and enchant them , it's not news , its been happening forever. Also the server is 15 months old and there are ~30 staffs + 12 and 3 + 13 , what do you expect +3 SOES? after 1.5 years? . ​Gran Kain is older, bigger community, enchants in luxury, yet havent seen more than +8 on most players, except some random D grades +16 ​Maybe there was a bug at some point , but for sure was before my time playing here. Not sure about demon staff exactly, but I can tell you that buying homo 7/8 from ah and making it +10/12 is how homus are made. Warpole is right that people enchant demon's cuze the other 2 are ugly, also the head parts for the 3 staffs are/were widely available due to the massive amounts of people doing AoE in EV.