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  1. 4 points
    http://l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=dwarf_warsmith here are the link to 2nd class quest to do all 3 parts at the same time. its very good because you spending less adena for tp's and making quest faster. only Russian. Not sure if everything will be the same in classic server, but I think it should be practically the same. to change quest: in the link where is "dwarf_warsmith" change to ex: "dwarf_bounty_hunter" ; "elf_plainswalker" ; etc.
  2. 3 points
    I think, that team work must be encourged. Otherwise MMOs are changing to a single player game. What if all people have boxes and nobody accept your party invitation? Why would you play a MMO if you want to stay alone? Just to grind hard and go PK them? - no thanks. I think MMOs should be a place for chats and cooperation, not only for competition and kills. We must share the positive moments, not only to express our anger on others. If you ask me, I would forbid all forms of multiple boxing. You are supposed to enter a fantasy world, to become a fantasy character. In this order of thoughts, Dual boxing is like schizophrenia. It makes the game like a work process. Let the game be a game. Let the game be a beautiful fantasy book where you enter, that fantasy world. Don't make it second job. We are destroying every beautiful playfull moment in our lives with serious approach with analyzis and starve for results, we forget to be playful and just to enjoy the process. PLEASE, PLEASE don't be so serious.
  3. 3 points
    The main goal of any MMO game is to make players play together. We understand that most of you are trying to make everything solo nowadays cause you afraid or too shy to find party or create it. If everyone will have infinite boxes - classes like PP or any support will be just boxed. So players that like to support most of the time will not have party cause everyone will have their own support. We want all of you to become a team, where every class will be very important. Cause if you will play all the time solo - the game will not be so interesting and fun as in a party. But we still give the option to play solo for players that just come to find out what Classic is and don't want to coop with anyone.
  4. 2 points
    We are 2 friends from greece, and we are going to start here as Sps and Necro. We are looking for 2 ppl (SE/BD) ( greek preferably) to create a group of 4 , so we can viably pve/pvp on the server. We are old school dogs with many years of experience, we have real life aswell , so we are not looking for no-lifers. Quality>Quantity thats the rule, few quality hours are more than enough.Later on we might create a full CP. For more info contact me here.
  5. 2 points
    Hi, 1)Maybe someone already wrote about this. There is a bug with travelers haste potions that you get from completing 1st quest with gremlins. These potions are not suposed to be sold in shop, but as you can see on screenshots attached - I sold them and got 2700a, so I can make lot of characters --> do gremlin quest --> adventurer soe --> sell potions --. trade with main --> repeat it for example 100 times and get 270k adena. Hope you will fix this. 2) Teleport shows 85lvl location ( screen attached)
  6. 2 points
    Just to say, everyone knew that since 23 march (78k views on this post), here (read FAQ) : http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10-classic-10-talking-island-x3/ At least there will be more active Support with that, Classic is not like you play usually, you need a party to xp properly above lv 20-25. You can play for free with one account, it's enough because if you have a Clan or some friend, it's not a problem.
  7. 2 points
    Nice one , this kind of stuff are rly worth doing in classic
  8. 2 points
    It's ABSOLUTELY worth it! Great contest, as I believe there are many creative people among fans of L2. I'm working on the 3rd and final drawing and I hope to post my complete work tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing your creations too, everyone!
  9. 2 points
    Well, as admins said somewhere at least colored title you wont be able to buy. And you know, spend a bit of ur time to not have to pay for premium-offshop etc... i'd say it worth it
  10. 1 point
    В преддверии открытия мне вспомнилось, как Я начал играть в Линейдж. Начал играть Я лет 5 назад, на сервере х15 Gracia Epilogue. Оглядываясь назад, Я понимаю,насколько все это было несерьезно и забавно, мои потуги вкачать 80 лвл(85 тогда казался просто невозможным), а сборка того серва была убогой даже по тем меркам. Но все равно, каждый день Я и еще пять с лишним тысяч человек с удовольствием заходили поиграть вечерком, после работы, учебы. Со временем, все стало серьезней, люди начали собираться в КП и все изменилось для меня, сменился сервер, потом любимый класс, потом хроники... Начал играть в КП, пробиваться в топ, даже мувик как-то сделал Но линейка перестала приводить в былой восторг. Заходить стал по прайму, тысяча убитых мобов стала чем-то обыденным и весь этот волшебный мир куда-то испарился. Вместо него осталась серая рутина. И как бы NCSoft не пытались разбавить геймплей нововведениями новых хроник, им никогда не удастся, просто потому, что ТУ атмосферу создавали сами игроки, которым было в кайф после трудового дня зайти на этот лагающий, кривой серв, поубивать мобов в катакомбах, поискать сундуки и халявные фраги, пробежаться по квестам на пару с другом, потрещать в клан чате, продать только что наспойленое добро... Теперь об этом сервере(да и о Классике в целом). Должен сказать, что слежу за этим сервером уже довольно давно, играл еще на первой стадии тестирования, и еще тогда Я боялся, что сервер сфейлится. Нет, Я не считаю реализацию проекта плохой, лично меня привела в восторг сборка сервера, ничем не хуже руофа, хоть тут и было много багов(в основном это были неработающие квесты и неверный дроплист). Я боялся, что на сервер завалятся люди, которые начнут искать на форумах КП мемберов, дабы на открытии "ворваться" на серв. Боялся потому, что крики о том, что "сервер ФЕЙЛЛ!!11!" слышны только от тех, чье КП развалилось, кому не нашлось места в топ клане, проще говоря, неудачников. Да, в Ла2 все игроки(кроме гномов, конечно же ^_^) делятся на победителей и неудачников, причем первых ГОРАЗДО меньше, их единицы. Конечно, все хотят побеждать, потому и собирают КП, дабы стартануть быстрее, успеть отхватить кусок побольше и т.д. И никто не хочет признавать поражение, потому и "серв уг". "Да ты просто лузер, который играть не умеет, епта!*смачный плевок*" - можешь сказать ты. Ну как сказать, я играл в топ клане Condemned на playdefo x5, играл в пачке с КЛом, так что опыт у меня имеется, но не суть. Допустим, представим, что у тебя, мой дорогой нагибатор, у тебя и твоей пачки все получилось, что вы "нагнули серв", отжали все споты, насливали всех в пк и т.д. А что дальше? Ты остался один в песочнице. Да, у тебя есть все-все-превсе игрушки, но все дети ушли домой, им не с чем больше играть. Я видел кучу серверов с отличной сборкой, продуманым геймплеем, бешеной рекламой, которые фейлились за 2 дня просто потому, что люди понимали, что они не успевают вкачаться, нафармить, они проигрывают. Да тот же руКлассик сфейлился просто потому, что люди не могли угнаться за задротами-ноулайферами. Лично Я ушел оттуда потому, что Я не мог угнаться за топовыми ребятами, Я не мог сидеть по 10+ часов в день. И даже если из тебя выбили пушку, которую ты собирал 2 месяца, тебя будет напрягать именно дистанция между тобой и топом. Я все еще надеюсь, что этот сервер сможет вернуть мне то чувство волшебного мира эльфов, когда ты качался не для того, чтобы потом ногибать под Дионом, а потому что тебе нравилось смотреть, как твой персонаж становится сильнее; когда ты собирал шмот не для того, чтобы ножи тебе меньше пробивали, а для того, чтобы твой персонаж выглядел еще эпичнее; когда ты вступал в клан не ради халявного эпика, а ради того, чтобы вместе со своими сокланами сливать пк, которые мешают вашим новичкам качаться; когда ты знаешь, что СпС убивает в пвп, но все равно играешь дестром, потому что тебе хочется играть здоровенным орком с двуручным мечом. Я не жду, что прочитав мой пост все сразу побегут распускать КП. Я только хочу сказать, что не нужно гнаться за победой, ведь игра заканчивается, когда определился победитель. Не гонитесь друг за другом. Мы можем даже не начинать эту игру, а просто играть так, как играли раньше, до того, как стали собираться КП. И у нас все есть для этого.
  11. 1 point
    Hello, “Gimine” clan recruiting. Every Class and profession are welcome. Goals: International clan of mature players. We have works, families and not that much time to play this game 24/7. Clan where players play when they can. Clan which not try to be fastest, the first to achieve top of charts. Clan which strategy is stable perfect calculated and managed game play.Old style clan build, I’m not fan of hardcore constant parties. Random Dwarf party is also cool. Requirements: · Be mature. Age doesn't do you mature, the words and actions do. · Play period at least six months. Every other situation solved individually. Some rules: (Rules can be changed, edited or supplement) 1. Primary clan chat language English. 2. As a clan member you are representing clan. Be respectful and pleasant to everyone who you interact with on server. 3. How much you help to clan that much clan help to you. (If you solo warrior this clan is not best choice to you ). 4. I would like to receive information about any circumstances witch can stop you from being online (if you get vacation for a week and traveling to North pole let me know ). 5. Respect server rules, ban hammer is heavy . If you read everything and decide to join leave post with this info: 1. Profession you will play, 2. Estimate online time (hours per day), 3. Where you live, your country time zone (UTC), 4. In which languages you speak, 5. In which field you are best (for example: good in planning, easily can lead party, only know how need grind, can speak 3 hours without stop :D, and so on…) 6. Witch communication you prefer (Old style in game clan chat, Skype in game and out of it, IRC out of game, Team Speak) For other information PM, also can find my in game Nick: Merlinas or sometimes Varskyte. Clan now (on beta test) also exists. Let’s recruitment begins
  12. 1 point
    Clan pirates se preparando pra uma nova aventura!!! Afim de reunir antigos e novos players pra brincar e crescer juntos! tópico pra definir classes e recrutar novos membros! ts3: PiratesClassic.ddns.net sem senha
  13. 1 point
    Opa. Retornando para o melhor jogo de todos. Viva longa aos Pirates! FengGell / Deathinside
  14. 1 point
    Opa.. Will aqui.. Crafter pro clan Necro ou Sr pra mim ​​
  15. 1 point
    Aowww tilagas!!! Spoil e dreadnougth é nois!
  16. 1 point
    Well, it is and it is not. For most people it is classic enough. However this is "Classic", not "a classic". A distinct game version produced by NCsoft (except the translation, rates and some minor adjustments). So this server will be that Classic and there is very little point in arguing about it.
  17. 1 point
    According to classic database proof of valor is not supposed to give you those 2 necklaces anymore, it gives you neck of novice, or neck of novice + healing pot. So the problm seams to be on the skirmish with the wolves quest where according to l2central it shouldn't need any other requirements to be accepted. Also about the traces of evil, i cant find any info about it on classic database so i would believe that quest doesn't exist on classic and that's why you can't accept it. i still might be wrong about it, gotta dig deeper on this one.
  18. 1 point
    ​Well, that is true, but... The basic concept behind classic is that you need to cooperate in order to be successful. That means cooperate with real, live people. If we allow dual box, it will be just another low rate server with limited content. Certaintly not what people, who want Classic, came for.
  19. 1 point
    What composite is supposed to do is that the penalty starts at 50%+5790. Not that it increases your total weight limit I think.
  20. 1 point
    Specially for "Forever alone" we've removed the limit on number of contacts! Everyone can participate now!
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Good morning all I've encountered very unpleasant issue. This all night our AoE party was grinding in cruma tower. So... Porta keeps teleporting characters instantly without any animations or skill casting , once you got teleported aggro of all monsters resets and anyone from your party could get all monsters aggression. Imagine I run towards walls to another room starting hitting monsters and Bam! I've been teleported somewhere to another room where is some porta that has aggro on me. Shouldn't walls protect characters from casting debuffs/teleportation magic? So wtf? If I hit caster monsters they need clear vision just to start casting their magic. Even so Porta can teleport you from anywhere and then GL you got 0 aggro. SO maybe when I will wish to get rid of aggro monsters i should hit porta and run in circles till i got teleported and whew... Im safe Please check mechanics of this teleportation magic because it really fcks up the whole gameplay. Or if this broken teleport could not be fixed I suggest to remove that skill from them. Nobody will miss it. p.s. in Cruma Tower 2 (Perum -golems) Using teleportation casting , even though animation keeps stuck on character (multi edged star beneath the feet). At least you know you have been teleported and monsters still attacked me. I hope this like circus-like monsters behavior will be fixed prior live , because more posts like this one might appear.
  23. 1 point
    Already cheating on the dwarves i see!
  24. 1 point
    ​Well I am quite right about that ;p. Also you didnt answer any other of my questions,please enlighten us a little more , its only less than 2 weeks before the grand opening.. And is there any possibility that people can pay for a Lifetime Premium Acc/ or for a Full Year or so?Or will it only be "pay every month"? ​For now it is in the plans to make the premium account a timed service but you will have different ones to choose from, as in, 7 days premium, 15 days premium, 1 month premium and something like this. about the full in game shop that will be announced as soon as everything will be fully decided so we dont have to change stuff later or announce it item by item.
  25. 1 point
    I also don't understand why would someone pay for Premium Account to get a second box if they already have one. PA will be the main income for the project till they add more intriguing items rather than cosmetics, titles etc. I think that ll help the community bond rather than everyone playing alone with their free box.
  26. 1 point
    @Cardiel, the point is, for months during beta we were told we would be able to have 1 dual box, they never said anything about ''dual box only if you pay''. and now its only with PA, and we also were told PA would not affect gameplay, and dual box does affect it, a lot. there are many ways to support the server without affecting game play (agathions, title colors, name change, sex change, hair accessory, etc). Dual box is a huge difference early on, having a dual box buffer means more adena for your main class since you get all the adena to spend for your main, instead of sharing with another person. And you also have to think about the big picture here, with official EU classic server coming, if players have to choose between paying for dual box on a private server (unsure if the staff can release updates and all), or paying on an official server (bugless updates garanteed), pretty damn sure the official server wins every time. i did some testing to get a 1 month PA, so im not saying this because im mad that i cant dual box early on, im just sad they changed idea on dual box, and i honestly dont see this as a good idea with official server coming up.
  27. 1 point
    This server is provided to you on "free to play" basis, so administration will not be giving any guarantee and may refuse to accept/satisfy any claims. Still the administration makes every effort to ensure safe and comfortable game for all players. You may address all your questions/problems related to your game account or server work to the administration. Any of the Rules are not a subject for discussion. 1. Players are not allowed to: 1.1 Use any kind of tool or 3rd party software (l2control, l2walker, l2ranger, l2tower, l2phx, l2net, l2Wx, ACP, hLapex,Uopilot, or any other), which allows to automate the game process or overcome game client restrictions. This as well concerns mouse/keyboard drivers, looped ingame macroses, allowing the character to perform game operations by itself. 1.1.1 Be in one party with a player, who uses 3rd party software or loop macro. If such abuser is detected, the full party will be punished. 1.2 Interfere or mess with client-server data packet exchange. 1.3 Take advantage of the server bugs (including but not limited to geodata flaws. EX: Using BD/SWS/WC/OL/healers from outside of baium room to support the parties inside). 1.3.1 By any means cause game critical errors to other players. 1.4 Use ingame nicknames/Titles containing offensive/obscene language and nicknames of administration/GMs. 1.5 Advertise other game projects, servers or sites, as well as not related to game goods and services, in game chats, nicknames, titles. 1.6 Buy, sell, exchange (or try to) ingame goods/adena/accounts/pwlvl/driver services for anything outside of L2Classic.club server (including real money currencies). Any sales/trade announcements on RMT platforms (even without price or with price in Adena, considered as RMT and will be treated accordingly). 1.7 Buy, sell, exchange (or try to) game accounts and characters. 1.8 Impersonate server Administraiton/GMs or act on behalf of server Administration/GMs. 1.9 Insult server Administration or GMs. 1.10 Discuss Administration/GMs' actions in game. 1.11 Ask the administration to interfere with the game process in order to correct errors, consciously made by players. 1.12 Share Private information about any individual (including real names, pictures) 1.13 Any kind of theft. 1.14 Deliberately use similar game items textures as well as nicknames to scam other players. 1.15 Interfere with the other players’ gameplay, mechanically restricting their access to locations or NPCs. (for example, blocking access to the GC with summons, pets, transformations, etc.). 1.16 Use Party Matching system in game for anything not related with party matching. 1.17 Violate any of present rules. 2. Players may: 2.1 Post trade messages in trade chat only. 2.2 Apply minor modifications to the game client files (as long as it doesn’t interfere with gameplay or give significant advantage to the player). 2.3 Ask questions and/or suggest ideas for server improvement. 2.4 Give access to their account to other players. BUT by giving your account to anyone, you take on responsibility for everything that may happen to it (scam, ban, password change etc). 3. Players must: 3.1 Report any bug to server Administration/GMs 3.2 Write a ticket to support with “Bot Report” title if there is suspicion of third-party software used by another player. 3.3 Abide by these rules. 4. Players are encouraged to: 4.1 Play. 4.2 Play fair. 4.3 Respect other players, Administration and GMs. 4.4 Report players violating these rules to Administration/GMs. 4.5 Actively participate in project life and development. 5. Prescribed penalties: Punishment is defined by the administrator or GM depending on the gravity of the violation as well as previous penalties of every specific player. Attention! In case of a repeat violation punishment duration doubles(?). Administration retains the right to permanently ban players in special cases. 6. Rules may be changed by Administration at any time without notice. 7. Lack of knowledge of these rules does not free the player from responsibility in any way. * You are automatically agreeing with the Rules during the registration of your game account