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Everything posted by FryderykChopin

  1. So it's just going to stay grey as it is? Meh.
  2. Damn, that would be legit cool, can we get a confirmation this is how it's supposed to work (albeit in the future)? @Koll @San0 That would make the lucky wheel MUCH more interesting.
  3. FryderykChopin

    Next QQ topic

    1st: XP scroll 70% 2x 2nd: Firecracker 15x
  4. FryderykChopin

    Next QQ topic

    +on the epics but especially ++ on the opened accessory thing, like cmon... Could we have a hot fix on that one (aka putting it in a box) before it's over? @Koll @San0 @Manton @Co-owner @DraqIa
  5. It's not a bug, it's a feature - the original look is only available to people who get it gifted from their valentines; people who buy it for themselves have it greyed out, as a display of shame... Oh oh oh and I almost forgot, you can't unequip it ever, as a practical humor. j/k, but did you run the updater? I haven't seen anyone with it yet so can't confirm if it's you or serverki. Nevermind it's the lucky wheel stuffki, dunno what's up with that, but it's probably just f*cked up because the lucky wheel promises bright red cloak, not this aliexpress version
  6. Spoil is honestly not very good way to make adena on classic. You can get something extra money on side but don't expect to drown in adena like in old chronicles. If you want to give it a shot nevertheless, try the Silenos in Dion Plains for D enchants (some lizardmen there spoil some Varnish too)
  7. You probably missed the era of @zorgzor then
  8. FryderykChopin


    >that topic name just in time for Valentine's That hits too hard #SadStorka
  9. It only gives you one extra window. For each next window you need to buy another PA (i.e. to log in 3 windows, you need 2 PAs). That's for 'online' boxes anyway. You can set up any number of offline shops without PA.
  10. You need to summon them by typing @Koll or @San0 - they'll see the mention on their notifications
  11. You can get some extra cash from it, but it's really not as profitable as in old Lineage... If you don't enjoy playing the spoil itself I wouldn't suggest doing it just for the cash.
  12. I'm pretty sure someone has it, if nobody's sitting in GH you might try shouting some 'LF Great Pata craft' or some sort... Unless you obviously want it for your own craft as Torres said, then you dont have any other option ?
  13. Cruma 3rd? l2wiki says it should be on 1st on Catheroks, I'd probably try there first. btw. you don't need extra recipe to craft C grade weapons, just mats and keys.
  14. It's overall fantastic character, though it might feel like playing this game in easy mode, considering they're insane in solo exp, welcome in most parties and pretty good in PvP. But if you enjoy playing the char there's virtually no downside to it.
  15. Just a daily reminder that the current referral system doesn't work without paying cash. Greatly embarassing and weird, likely to do more harm than good.
  16. Damn this is extremelly useful for newbies, even if they need to google translate Would you mind doing similar in english?
  17. Just set up a shop normally and type .offline_shop. Currently there is no limit on how many you can set up.
  18. When it's reasonable post but it has spam links in it... Has spam science gone too far?
  19. I just generally dislike the idea of the referral system incorporating donation milestones. These things belong to the account control panel, not to the referral system as one of the first things that newbie see upon being invited to the server. Getting a percentage of what the invited player gets is alright but the rest are just thirsty and dissuasive.