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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    shot's doesn't work

    did you summon your agathion for her to be able to use the skills?
  2. this might sound like a stupid question but... do you happen to have your agathion summoned?
  3. do you mind explaining whats wrong with GC and SV?
  4. are you in a group or solo? and if in a group have you tried solo?
  5. can you please provide a screen shot showing your quest progress window?
  6. check if you can proceed on quest now
  7. just finished the quest without any problms. quest is working normaly, did you try to go kill couple more of the monsters you missing item from just in case?
  8. for the million time. in a very simple way for everyone to understand... RIGHT CLICK ON MACROS - BAD USING MACROS WITHOUT RIGHT CLICK - GOOD (unless you using third parties, pro toolls or what so ever that isnt your fingers to press it.)
  9. it was not the same, the new one has higher power on 2.0 the skill being used was the wrong version of the skill from other chronicles, hence lower level one. the new one is the real one from classic with higher level and higher power.
  10. old deadly strike was replaced by the newer stronger version. if you are on level to learn it you should be able to learn the new deadly strike skill. new deadly strike skill is only available after lvl 76.
  11. most likely server will go down at normal restart time. about coming up its a bit harder to answer cuz we going to have to transfer everything instal everything retest everything so i would expect it to be down for most of the day and we will keep you guys posted about infos on the way. but again, expect it to be down for most of the day. will try to get some specific hours for this and make separate announcement about it.
  12. literaly 2 posts before mine that also happens to be the post i was answering, the guy says where to get them... you know it takes longer to make a question and wait for answer then to read couple of posts yeah? those boxes are on starter pack after zaken update hits live.
  13. - 2 new items were added to this pack, Rune Box 30% levels 25-35 and Rune Box 30% levels 35-45. On opening this boxes players will receive a rune for 30% EXP/SP for 3 days. This boxes can only be open when characters levels is in the levels interval mention on the boxes, box level 25-35 can only be open by characters who are at least 25 and 35 or bellow, and box level 35-45 can only be open by characters who are at least 35 and 45 or bellow.
  14. top right corner you will find all answers you need regarding this idea. but just for one more time and cuz i am a rly good guy.... there will be no new classic server anytime soon or even considered for now, players may choose to join on this one and enjoy the ride wtv it takes them or if they want fresh server hoping everyday they can google for any other l2 server and join there and when it will close in 2 months repeat the process, and when that other one close repeat the process, and when that one close maybe they will realise server being open for 4 years means they dont need to find another server in 2 months and loose all their progress all the time. but this is just my opinion. i would say they can also join the ncwest servers since its beloved official and its free but i cant make myself do it since its neither good or really free i bet all those who left for NCwest servers are atm very happy with their investments
  15. you could have found the answer to that idea faster then the idea it self if its a idea it took you 5 minutes to have
  16. its not a bulshit talk, its a rule. people are free to agree with them or not,but they still have to follow it, and we are free to impose the penalties as we see fit for the ones who chose not to follow them
  17. thought luck son. if you actually had read it you will see the part where we still working to turn them off so eventually they will be turned off until then rules are as they are and being happy or not its how they will be.
  18. only from activation after the update this rune will start showing.
  19. midnight nightmare is the only "normal" monster capable of droping cloth pieces, it also drops magic tablets and spoils EWA
  20. Yes, delete wtv random patch you are using and use the files it was given to you by the server administration.
  21. also i want to try to change the update way into a more streamlined blizzard way with smaller content updates periodically leading to a bigger update with 1 new big enemy, then what we have now of content drought for years to get one humongous update all together. we already learned how to use the SOON as blizzard does so we on the good path to learn more from them
  22. i swear sometimes you guys make this questions just to fuk with me. no