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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    Giran CH BUGGED

    1 have you tryed puting more money on cwh? 2 are you sure money is on cwh? 3 is the message still there?
  2. San0

    Christmas Event spree!

    yes no one knows, he may show up at any time during the event. update your client. if all pouches would be tradable it would defeat the propose of the special santa since you could just give all pouches to one guy in clan and have him exchanging them for everyone.
  3. San0

    Giran CH BUGGED

    "all payments will be processed within 24 hours" is that message and the money on CWH for longer then 24 hours?
  4. San0

    Christmas Event spree!

    i believe you wanted to say usable, if yes answer is yes. arrive to the place you want to shop and use the normal offline shop comand after setting the shop
  5. San0

    San0 wp

    i deleted post cuz i didnt liked your tone and cuz of a accumulation of other topics with same behavior, thats why it got hiden and account blocked, and thats why the same will happen to this one. it also broke about 4 or 5 rules from this list. for the same reason this topic will also be locked and this account will also be blocked.
  6. San0

    Santas hat

    1 theres no char with that name 2 did you update your client?
  7. clan and achievement bonus are atm not on, we running some tests without it to make sure future problms or crashes will not happen due to it. dyes its visual its only packet related. it should be fixed in next restart together with trade i believe. we are basicly fishing for more possible problms to make sure this crash mania stops once and for all. Cookies are good. Manton doesnt eat cookies cuz i eat all.
  8. San0

    Christmas Event spree!

    cloaks not tradable. event items that drop from monsters are tradable
  9. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed influence of STR on crit chance of warrior skills. - Started Holidays events. - Offline shop will be running free in all towns for the duration of the event.
  10. son, if i didnt answered you before its cuz im empty on this seems im not the only one.
  11. there is allways someone in the midle of something, but your point of view server would never be restarted. restarts need to happen when they need to happen and most of them cannot w8, its bad situation for you but its worst for us so nothing to do about it.
  12. Sooooo.... As in most of the servers ppl allways have some ideas or opinions about who they think will be geting heroes on the diferent classes. as unfurtunatly i cannot keep up with everything going on on server at live speed, im curious to know what is ppls opinion on who will be our first heroes of warlord - gladiator - dark avenger - paladin - HE - TH - Necro - Sorc - Warlock - Prophet - bishop - sws - temple knight - spellsinger - elemental summoner - elven elder - silver ranger - plains walker - shilien knight - blade dancer - abyss walker - phantom ranger - spellhowler - phantom sumoner - shilien elder - destroyer - tyrant - overlord - warcryer - spoiler - crafter - PS: Trash posts will be deleted on spot as well as flame ones.
  13. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed some skills not dealing damage on bosses, knoricks, castle guards etc. - Fixed olympiad registration closing time. registration for olympiad matches will now close 20 minutes before olympiads finish.
  14. you dont have anything to receive from giran castle due to the fact giran castle was light seal on past week. the one from this week you receive only on mondays like always
  15. the quest tracker only shows 5 items in general, you still need to go get the 6th item to continue the quest
  16. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed not possible to wear cloaks without full set, and cloaks being removed while changing sets.
  17. they are not intentional crashes. but if theres problms we need the crashes to happen to generate logs so we can fix the problms.
  18. if you put together the other 2 years of server without crashes this is by far the server with less downtime you ever experienced. server just came from a major update and new stuff is getting added/fixed almost in daily basis sometimes more then once per day what might lead to crashes. crashes are necessary to generate crash logs. crash logs are necessary to understand where there are problms. this is necessary so the problms can be fixed so there will be no more crashes.
  19. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixes applied to skill Lightning Strike: Fixed Lighting Strike activation delay. Fixed Lightning Strike using magical attack instead of physical attack. Fixed Lightning Strike using Spiritshots instead of Soulshots. if further problms are detected on this skill please let me know.
  20. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Hex skill activation delay. please let us know if same problm happens in more skills or if it happens again on hex in some situations.
  21. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed talisman boxes not stacking up using 1 inventory slot per box.
  22. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Toggle skills weird behavior.
  23. San0

    Oly points?

    no it depends on both players points lets say i have 50 point and you have 50 points and we fight eachother whoever wins from us wins 10 points, now at same time 2 other ppl fight in a match and one of them has 50 points and other has 20 points. whoever wins will get only 4 points. lets supose the guy with 50 points wins second match and you win first match. by now even tho wins and loses might be the same you alredy have a 6 point advantage over him. simply becuz in one of the matchesyou fought, you won more points then he won on the match he fought.