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Everything posted by qloc01

  1. qloc01


    i wish i'm still young enough for gamming 😞 miss you all
  2. i left after 3 years, even just a game but it was a hell of a journey to me, i learned a lot from it and made tons of amazing friends. thank you. Real life is so hard but i wish we all make it through and wish you all the best from staff to every sides of our server. Good luck and have fun.
  3. maybe he mean that you will have chars created by GM team so you can go for any set up you want anw, only watch, cant even play a mario anymore, fck
  4. 5 years ? my tears.....
  5. as a player who has been here for 3 years and has left for 2 years, i praise you, whether what you wrote here right or not.
  6. qloc01


    ya know, i used to search pvp clip on RU official since it was pretty cool and RU were pretty hardcore with the game, but now....it's star war look alike even more than GOD
  7. qloc01

    17.05 Sieges

    srly? no footage? just some words? dont you have any mercy on people are not here anymore but still want to put our noses into it? please, sir, upload some pvp footage please
  8. win by numbers also a win, it's so cute to see you guys still fighting about this mater after such a long time playing here XD gf
  9. good to see some guys have went through some low level fight to make their way now in a 4 years old server, gj and have fun
  10. qloc01

    BB Action

    it's been bugging me even still while i was still playing on server, so WK has a branch for NA people or you guys just feel ok when playing with a whole group of foreigners that does not speak english ? i'm asking becauz i know several people could not handle the loneliness when not playing with ppl can not speak the same language with them.
  11. i dont mean PTS file, i mean actual l2 file, tbh, what i said earlier in this topic is exactly what sano or someone else from server staff told me about 1-2 years ago when i showed them how much admire i had for them for creating such good server
  12. there is no private server would their have hands on official site unless they want to get a lawsuit before their home door, this server just use a better platform than java and their owners are just really good so they can re-create like 80-85% of what official has.
  13. why paladin become so popular now? dont me just because of that buff? it's OP though but DA now got turned down that much?
  14. qloc01

    Non-Hero Mage Pov

    yea, but how? do you know? i found it on wikipedia that at antharas patch you can upgrade those low grade skills to higher level, but can it be still that strong?
  15. qloc01

    Non-Hero Mage Pov

    anyone still catching up from official? i hardly can find any pvp vid from any kind of mages anymore, instead, there are a lot of pvp vid from Summoners with huge firepower, like, how is it even possible, sh!tty skills can deal 3k+ crit, wtf
  16. qloc01

    Maestro - Olympiad

    sorry dude but this modafuka has full stack of epics
  17. wait till my level on real life got higher first XD
  18. glad that server still good, best moments from l2 all came from here, happy new year all anw, even to chinese guys, still hate you though...XD anw, i lost 18kg after quiting l2 forever, anyone share the same path?
  19. qloc01

    CC Numbers

    you just dont get it
  20. qloc01

    CC Numbers

    so which side is perkunas now?
  21. this is private server, to keep server alive and those 5 proxy, it already cost a deal of fortune, the only possibility where they will open a new one is when our population drop to like 100-200 online, maybe less, then they will have no choice to make a new begining. Otherwise, its just no way, gl
  22. i will check our former Cp member's sons age, they probably old enought to run a BD or SWS
  23. its been 4 years?, ya know, 1 of my teammate has a son, he was around 4 years old back there, we had a joke with each other like "man, raise your son and let him drive our BD char", man i think that day is inevitably comming
  24. qloc01

    PVP event

    lo, guys tbh, i dont know that you guys are really trying to fck each other or just trying to keep server be on fire as much as possible