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Everything posted by Cyane

  1. ​but most of the people who like H5 will not feel interested on our OLD classic server either (1 year+) the new proyect will "steal" some of our newcomers because they will prefer to start in a fresh populated server from the very beginning tho i believe its a good move when it comes to money too. and thats ok
  2. Cyane

    Feeling nostalgic

    Yeah, i have good memories of 1.0 too We were all poor and no one wanted to use soulshots random parties like this were very usual in cruma
  3. ​in oly sr might be the best cause of self buff and rapid fire = first stun in the case of archers, its not just the race skills but unique skills that make archers very different to eachother (pre-75) sorry for my english its difficult to say that one is superior to another even outside of olympiad scenario. im fine with the balance between archers. Maybe pr is a little nerfed for the moment but thats all
  4. I was thinking to make similar post thinking about other fighter classes in the future. For example Paladin, or Temple knight, based on the classes that are less chosen, finding the reasons behind it and suggesting something that could encourage newcomers to not follow from the very beginning advices of a Moderator saying things like "Do not play Daggers, Summoners, Destroer, Paladdin and Temple Knight." leaving just HE and Gladiator as playable options. I think thats not the situation we want for newcomers, we want all classes to be playable for them, and that doesnt mean that they all should have the same skills. I never meant that.
  5. ​Sano, NCSoft didnt forget to fck this part up aswell :D. They can still surprize after 10+ years of game. They Changed olympiad bufs so that PW could always have M def and p def self buff and it was imposible for TH to get em from npc. Now on 2.0 you can get m def and p def buff from oly npcand its not like you cant take some useful bufs and need to sacrifice smth to get these, because good dagger bufs are removed (Death whisper no longer exist on oly npc buffer gg). There is some human race fanboy in ncsoft - Necro, Glad, WL, TH - All superior to their other race counterparts especially on Classic chronicles +1 edit: and DA!
  6. Thks for reply. tho Im only talking about pre-75 balance for this classes So last question: what about the 2) point? I dont see that this "Yet Tyrant (rabbit), AW and PW are slower than Gladiator(sonic move). How can a heavy-armored Warrior with Lion Heart + skill evasion +40% (which doubles the duration of Ultimate evasion lv. 2 and x3 times lower reuse time) and tons of CP/HP be 100% of the time faster than this classes?" is balanced until lv. 78+. How AW and PW dealt with it (in terms of class balance pre 75 level)?
  7. ​Ok. Blinding Blow might be a bad idea then. But would you agree that both AW and PW deserve in the future some kind of "boost" that could balance them with the rest of the classes until level 75?
  8. I would like to suggest adding Blinding blow (pre-lv. 75) to AW and PW This is for two reasons: 1) Balance between the three daggers TH, AW, PW. 2) Balance of speed between rogue(dagger) and warrior classes: Tyrant and destroyer rush, and Gladiator sonic move. --- 1) Treasure hunter is probably the best and most popular dagger. His weakness (low dex and lower speed) compared to the other two is compensated with passives and active skills. -Stats benefit TH: overall more fighter (STR+DEX+CON) stats makes him stronger and more flexible for dyes. +1 for TH -Passives: He has all passives: Attack speed, critical rate, critical damage. AW has only critical damage. And PW has only critical rate. +2 for TH -Active skills: PW and AW take benefit from their self-buff race skills only inside olympiad Hex is the only real advantage of AW in practice, and is a race skill. +1 for AW Estangle is the only advantage of PW in practice, and is a race skill too. +1 for PW But TH has both cancel skills: Switch and Trick. +3 for TH And Dash lv. 2. +4 for TH Obviously, both AW and PW have other race skills that they can use that TH dont have, but are inneficient on practice either because of slow casting time or high mp required: poison and freezing strike are slow to cast and used hardly ever. Same with elemental heal which consumes a lot of mp and is slow casting!. Bandage and Poison recovery can be replaced by consumables. They are simply not comparable to Dash / two cancel skills / better stats / all passives off TH. Blinding Blow could give the bonus speed that both PW and AW deserve because of being elves and daggers(+3 for both). The "turn around" reuse time of 30 seg could balance the fact that they miss one of the cancel skills (+4 AW = +4 PW = +4 TH). If it is too OP you can just modify the reuse time. 2) Warrior classes have benefit from gap closer skills (range stun for WL and Gladi, destro rush soon) and speed bonuses (destroyer and gladiator) that dont necessary fit to the original conception of their class (slow but tankier warriors). Tyrant was the only agile warrior most close to daggers. The only warrior that is suposse to use only Light armor, with "rogue" masteries equal to archers and daggers. Yet Tyrant (rabbit), AW and PW are slower than Gladiator(sonic move). How can a heavy-armored Warrior with Lion Heart + skill evasion +40% (which doubles the duration of Ultimate evasion lv. 2) and tons of CP/HP be 100% of the time faster than this classes? A +40 speed bonus of Blinding blow for PW and AW could give them a posibility to compete with them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Im a treasure hunter and im fine with it, so i dont take benefit from this. I just want to see more daggers, posibly dagger cps, and more than just treasure hunters. Thks for reading!
  9. True, they dont have it. It would be a good suggestion to add it. That skill already exist in test server. If admin add it, it would be good for newcomers to encourage them to pick something different from TH i think if they want to be daggers At the moment, almost nobody pick Plains walker or Abbys walker,
  10. En otras palabras, tenes la misma p.def que en otras cronicas. Lo que cambio es que en vez de evadir golpes normales, vas a evadir skills fisicas. Todas las demas clases (excepto gladiador) se van a comer esas skills al 100% vos no. mira el lado positivo jaja Saludos!
  11. Se sugirio un par de veces en el foro. Los gms no dieron una respuesta todavia, pero ya lo saben. Mi opinion es que a medida que nos vayamos acercando a 70+ llevar light o heavy (grado A) va a ser mas una cuestion de gusto segun el bonus de set que buscas. No va a haber mucha diferencia de p.def en lvls altos si tenes todas las light armor masteries al maximo (aunque te va a costar un huevo de sp). Pero aunque tuvieses 100% evasion en oly sabes como te bajan? Stun-Stun-Stun-Stun-Stun-Stun --> piso. El concepto de la clase cambio. No se trata de evasion de golpes fisicos, sino de skills fisicos. Tenes 40% con UE lvl 2, y sumale los que vas a tener en 3ra profesion con la proxima actualizacion de 2.0. Un monton de evasion de skills.
  12. ​+1 is working better than before (EU Proxy)
  13. Tambien estuve experimentando terribles lags ultimamente, soy de argentina. navego por internet tranquilamente. pero por el momento esta injugable Alguna diferencia notan con los proxys? uso el german y el europeo a los que le andaba mal, pudieron solucionarlo?
  14. all people beggining in ​same starting town (gludin / gludio / or dion) instead of different ones, increase starting lvl to 20, free 1st job quests. top non tradeable no grade/low d equipment. Right now i feel that 1-20 is a bad filter for newcomers. A soloing and very far from a nostalgic experience that could be skipped. i think that grouping with others from the very beginning is more "classic" or nostalgic and fun than soloing all the way up to "x" level. and we shoud focus on that experience which is the reason why they would keep playing here. There is nothing "nostalgic" on playing alone in a low rate server, free staff helps fo a certain period of time, but a time comes when if you havent formed a party you are alone and there is no much you can do to prevent soloing and boredom Plenty of newcomers have manifested this feeling on forum. So same starting town in a level that requires grouping with others 20+ (remember abandoned camp / partisan AoE?) is a better base for that in live server. Please, can someone explain what is wrong with this idea?
  15. it happened to me. I have to temporarily disactivate my antivirus to not have problems with the launcher. disactivate it and then start the launcher
  16. ​it is the proof that L2C was based on infinite odyssey! (
  17. ​ unlike weapons, chance for jewelry/armor seem to be lower by each step and magical weapons seem to have lower enchant rate than pysical ones
  18. base land rate of debuffs should stay high. the best comment i have read about this topic was this: "I've been playing l2c since the release. Stun always was like that. And root. And sleep. And fear.Ever heard of OL's mass silence ? Or mass root ?Do you know that Warlord can use his AOE stun only 12 times, then he is running out of mana.Do you know, that Bishop's Magic backfire can shorten Warlord's amount of stunns by half ?Do you know that SWS has 10 second silence with around 90% landrate, and he can spam it.Do you know that Bd and SWS have 10 second arrest with 90% landrate ?It's not bugged. Make it 40 % and you will have a server of mages and their victims, lol. Like that was in C1 - C4. Pvp will be not about tactics and strategy, it will be a contest of gear between mages. 90% stunrate is totally fine. There are plenty of characters that are immune to stun, and there are those who are not. And should not be immune to stun.You must be loosing the point of this game. This game is not about 1v1 pvp. I have never been about 1v1.Get your own warlord to stun enemy, fight in spread formation, stay on range, or make melee party that's almost impervious to stun. L2c has a 1 year history, and there are plenty tactics against warlord/overlord/other crowd control." Which i totally agree.