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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Kure

    Valentine's Chest Event!

    @BizQQuiT wont agree with this suggestion
  2. Lineage is not solo game... Only viable solution for solo game is summoner... but without box even that is not optimal
  3. othel crit rate, +12str-15con for solo farm
  4. Yes. Its about weapon m.atk.
  5. Kure

    Miss me? Oly bugs

    Still waiting Funny is how your all lol crew "quit" but still spreading your cancer in every second topic/discord...
  6. 1) both preferably 2) only weapon m.atk does, but for example empower is useless overbuff for bish 3) +12wit al lthe way
  7. Thumbs up for Muse soundtrack.
  9. @MatsAndSpoil you forgot
  10. Kure


    Another emoquit? Lol.
  11. Kure

    I Make The Rules

    Lol. Botaki bot his ass to 79, claim how pro player he is... And still fail to make hero eventho there was not any real competition. Then cry, get ban and emoquit. Sweet. Good job prostitute.
  12. Cry for being PKed... Grief players under mobs... Hypppcrisy in nutshell.
  13. Ohh, so when you were healing through walls at your very first try and san0 manually stopped you to do so...was just his interference with players actions? In that case it would be serious mistake from admin staff... Sentence about abusing geodata was in rules even before, example with baium was maybe added later after you tried to bend the rules (again)... P.S. I have no ally P.S.2 Sorry @BlackJack for OT P.S.3. Hillarious how some walkover meatshield tells you that you sucks
  14. And I have a list of chars abusing geodata flaws in baium... Lets start with pro100buff for instance
  15. Quoting me without edited part and flaming? Alrdy know that
  16. Victory should be mandatory ONLY if you want to claim hero, not just claim reward afaik... Edit: nwm, checked wiki and koll is right... Dunno why i thought different, mea culpa.
  17. Kure

    ZacMan Wl Sps PVP

    Good WL pov (finally some WL knows that something like howl exists eventho the landrate is far beyond shitty) Terrible SPS pov (can be justified by the fact you are newbie on it).
  18. Kure

    We fight for Perkunas

    For those interrested in pvp content - action starts at 3:00. About the rest better nothing, mby just that Goebbels would be proud.
  19. I dont even know what is more hilalrious in this topic... KingBottaki rekting himeslf over and over again, I almost feel sorry for him Smal lcherry on top of the cake.... So, what do we know about all those bottaki alter-egos? so its realkingleonidas1 + 2, matsandspoil.... and on a top of that his botted DA unbanned first time with completely new "background fairytale" about 60 year old guy Hello prostitue, how is it to be banned (again)?
  20. What, Kingbottaki botting?! I DONT BELIEVE THAT!!!!!!!!!
  21. Does this bet aplies to request from every cp?