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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. another issue is that there's no decent 2h blunts for pvp atm, but that will change in 2.0. not only in terms of gear, but also because armor crush can be used with 2h swords, so if you add excruciating strike to that, it's already -50% p.def, wich is a lot. plus stun effect. it's also the only class in game that can get P. Def. + 140% and Debuff Resistance + 70%, so if you add lionheart to that, it pretty much becomes a walking wall. beside, while his skills don't crit, they all have ignore shield defence effect, so the damage can't be mitigated either.
  2. might as well just keep playing 1.5 forever then.
  3. ​if that's overpowered for you, guess you haven't seen yet how stun and fear works in this server except this isn't retail, it's not GoD and it's not pre-GoD chronicles either. this is basicly a server with an H5 map, Classic skills -oh sorry, i meant CUSTOM Classic skills- and Classic insane Exp rates. no more, no less.
  4. i'm more interested in the disappearence of my posts in some thread. must be magic i guess, or some ninja probably.
  5. ​i heard necromancer/bishop/scammer are very good, especially for epics.
  6. now there's only one epic missing in the collection:
  7. if they get an elephant and a zebra too, maybe they can open a zoo
  8. get a destro, problem solved :v
  9. Arcanum

    crazy stuff

    it almost looks like we're playing with H5 skills in a Classic server
  10. coz thats what L2 is about, flaming and dramas no, playing a game is always about having fun, otherwise if you had to play with a videogame just to get stressed or mad over it, you probably wouldn't be playing it at all. flaming and dramas don't come from the game itself, they come from the people playing it. this wasn't about the game anyway, this was about the forum, wich is being handled very poorly by the current moderators. the only good thing here is the block users function, because otherwise if i had to read the same toxic crap everyday from the usual spoiled brats, i wouldn't be bothering with reading these forum boards anymore. i'm done with the offtopic anyway.
  11. Arcanum

    crazy stuff

    ​also normal triple slash from gladi can crit, althou it's not written in the description. i think pretty much all skills can crit on this server, even if the description doesn't say so. the only real Classic thing in this server is the exp curve...
  12. makes me wonder what's the point of having moderators here, if they leave salty kids flaming 24/7 on every possible thread.
  13. Arcanum

    crazy stuff

    it's probably another one of those, you know, "custom" changes made for "balance" reasons. if they nerf fix daggers even more, there will be nobody left playing them here
  14. Arcanum


    ​i'm not sure how i feel about this. having the old formulas based on stats for debuffs resist may open new builds for PvP/oly, but that way it wouldn't be as classic anymore. may also explain why tanks going full +12 CON are not getting stunned too much, or perhaps it's just luck with resist shock.
  15. Arcanum


    ​now i'm even more confused than before. so you mean that in our server currently every stat has influence over every debuff depending on stats type?(example: stun over CON) 'cause as far as i remember, it was based only on levels at first, then it got changed to levels + skill chance, and now i have no idea how they're currently working here.
  16. in other words: there's no crit multiplier over STR.
  17. happy new beast shots year folks :v
  18. the good old days of solo aoe farming entire spots in open world/forge of gods/catacombs with destro/WL are over. you may as well just wait for the H5 server, if you're so eager to play with old formulas from previous chronicles. the core gameplay of Classic is based on team play, so you'll either get a party, or you'll be doomed to solo mobs 1 by 1. or just very small groups eventually, if you're playing WL and have a box/friend that can help you with heals/MP recovery. to be honest, it's no wonder that there's so few daggers around. i would quit out of boredom as well, if i had to solo all day for exp.
  19. i don't think that's a problem, just let an ally take your castle to rebuild walls/gates like the last time, and problem solved. minimal effort, maximum effects. ​vigilance would do same if they were on our place, thats how it worked even on past chronicles, to get the crystals back in some situations ​you're missing the point: it's not about my side or your side. it just shows that sieges in l2 have been designed like shit since millennia ago.
  20. i don't think that's a problem, just let an ally take your castle to rebuild walls/gates like the last time, and problem solved. minimal effort, maximum effects.
  21. ​basicly every single thread in this forum board.
  22. as i said, i wonder why they didn't implement stuff like rs/mental shield in oly, because it looks to me that they put those talismans there just 'cause they were lazy trying to balance things out. at least in older chronicles you could self buff with mage staffs for mental, btb and other stuff. for stun/paralyze there's also extra bonuses on gear, same goes for hold/sleep. yet there's nothing that works as mental shield. as for kiting: i can't wait to see tanks pulling people to them with the new 76 skill in 2.0. gonna be fun trying to kite a DA