Some of the commands it might be useful. Level //setparam lv (level u want). Needs to have target on target. Skills. //set_skill_all will learn all possible skills for your level and class. //set_skill (skill ID)(skill level). Will learn on your target the respective skill on respective level. Classes. //set_class (class ID). Will change the class of your target to respective class. //gm_speed 5 it's self explanatory //undying onoff also doest need explanation Stats //setparam wit/dex/str/con/wit/int from1 to 99. Items. //summon (item ID) (amount) Lemme know if u need anything else. Just in case try with new account. //summon (NPC name/ID) summons respective NPC. And you can use alt+g to open GM window.
@Destabilomaterializacja Really curious why he even mentioned my pm to Roolback...Just sometimes i am wondering what this guy is thinking if he has this kind of ability because clearly is questionable..
omg you srsly dont have nothing more than searching and makeing those things ? this is sad AF im gonna pray for your future life bcz this looks very bad bro ?
not having to camp at special NPC to buy event items every 10 minutes
rewards don't include single buff scrolls
Trully as refreshing as Spring itself, thanks