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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    Bots of february

    ban list of feb will be posted together with march ones at end of this month.
  2. "Entry 1 - 24.03.2018 Atm we have a couple of things in focus bigger one being some update on antibot that is being tested atm and some changes to macro cyclic system, yes we warned couple of times that if this would start being abused heavily in game and as a excuse for the bot ban, changes would be done to them, we have been trying for long time to find a solution for it but it was not possible till now cuz it comes on client as a full system pack so either we had macros working with this cyclic system or we had no macros at all, but now we think we might have found a solution on this so expect changes to macro system to come in short period of time." there is the reason why it was added and the reason why it is being removed now only. and no this isnt a topic open for discussion, the cyclic macros WILL BE REMOVED.
  3. San0

    drain reflect

    you deal damage first, otherwise there is nothing to drain. you get a bit of the damage you deal as HP back, if there is no damage there is no HP back therefor the damage needs to be done first for something to be absorved otherwise you wouldnt know how much to get back in hp cuz there would be no damage done.
  4. still w8ing for the day i will see that lovely orc in game again....
  5. ppl play where ever they want to play or where ever they enjoy more playing, me myself on my days left good servers for some worst servers too just cuz my boys and girls went to play there and i followed, this is not a point for discussion, is a game, you should play where you have more fun, being it a good server or and bad one. anyway... if any more references to other servers will show on this topic, for obvious reasons topic will be closed.
  6. i dont believe this is even practical. oly system runs in a very tight time counting with days, hours, minutes, seconds, to make something like this would most likely require to have 2 diferent systems running what is not a good option. also if you make oly 2 hours earlier on a firday it will be a free olympiad for asia cuz no one else will be able to join at first hours. meanwhile rest of the times rest of the people will still have to fight eachother + fight the remains of asia who play at any time. once again bringing advantage on this change to asian players only. once again, just like it was with castle sieges where the change was only good for asian players, we still did it cuz it was viable for rest of community. this changes i do not think its viable for everyone else.
  7. americans (NA SA) already complain about this cuz they have only last hour for oly. if you make it earlier most of them cant make it to oly. i remind you that siege time was already changed back on the days so it would be more fitting for asian players and cuz of this lot of south american people were unhappy, its not that we dont care about asian players, but we cant make changes that will hurt some to help some others.
  8. ... you know when you change time it changes for everyone right? so if you make it later is worst for eastern europe and asia, if you make it earlier is worst for west europe and america. so any of the changes are not good for everyone there for any of the changes are not going to happen.
  9. nothing wrong with the server. if your problm still exist try contacting koll on skype koll.classic
  10. 1 - none of the asian proxies we found till today would give you better ping then the european proxy we have now. it was already said gazilion times in other topics, if you have a good service for asian proxies let us know and we will check them, untill today all are worst then the ones we have. 2 - olympiad time will not change, we understand many people are from asia but this is still a european server and as such the olympiads and main events will run on european time.
  11. clans registered as defender should have teleport rights from a gatekeeper npc. from what it was pointed out to me this is not working and it was added to be changed. about the rest of castle services i cant say for sure but i think it applies only for castle owners.
  12. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Talismans of guard and benefaction being removed by cancel skill.
  13. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed problm causing skill Immortal Life to not work properly on Olympiad. Now it should prevent match loss if fatal damage is taken while buff is on. (please let us know if the problm still occur in some situation) - Fixed Olympiad weakly points not being given to characters electable on the same time of matches reset but on fridays instead. From now on the 10 weakly points should be added on the same day that matches reset. (meaning 1st day of the month and every week after that on same day) - Added new NoShopZone near aden GK and rest of npcs. should be something like this:
  14. Dear friends! In the beginning of spring, the most beautiful time of the year, we also celebrate International Wonen's day. Dear girls! On behalf of the whole men's part of the team, we would like to congratulate all of you, as well as our magnificent Kse, with the holiday of the 8th of March. You, with your care for us and beauty, make this world sunny and inconspicuous colorful. We hope that all your brightest dreams will necessarily come true and we will do our best to make it happen. We also would like to help a little bit for the strong half of the server, and announcing 10% discount for all accessories, as well as agathions from March, 8 to March, 12. And also from March, 8 to March, 9 inclusive, all donations will come with an additional 8% bonus! Thank you, girls, that you always remain cheerful. Best regards. team
  15. dont one shot quest monsters
  16. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Couple of changes made to baium instance. Fixed Baium go back to sleep action not reseting instance timer. Now every time it goes back to stone mode, the next person coming in to wake him up will have again the normal 2 hours to do it. Fixed Baium go back to sleep action not reseting Baium's HP. Now every time it goes back to stone mode, his hp resets. to sum up. when Baium goes to stone mode it fully resets the 2 hour fight.
  17. you guys do not understand fully what needs to be done on what task to fix what. the reason why some fixes come out in 2 days and other in 2 months is not cuz we chose it to be like this, its simply cuz some can be fixed in 2 days and others cant. some need more research others dont, some needs more tests others dont, some needs aditional fixing after fix and test and others dont. diferent people fixing, diferent mechanics involved, diferent amount of things it messes with or can fuk with. if all problms would be possible to fix in 1 days they would all be fixed in 1 day but it just aint like this, problems get fixed as soon as its possible to be fixed.
  18. we know about the guard on pets. and i there is nothing wrong with the core. tested it out 20/20 removed the pony stun, about the cast 0 seconds, it is never 0 seconds if it has animation on it since the effect apply after the animation, in this case i think it just got canceled by the nuke damage
  19. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed levels on magnus the unicorn, feline kind and spectral lord. - adjust stun chances to meet the correct values after the con fix. (some were off for about couple %s)
  20. San0


    thought process behind this voting: this dude name shows up on kill log more then mine. dont like this video very much i hate you and all your good videos of amazing pvps where i can not be a part of.
  21. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed CON stat influence on resistances against attributes such as shock and bleed. - Adjusted the values of exp loss upon death to make it be more consistent on the % you are suppose to lose.
  22. San0

    TH dagger in wrist

    i already replayed to this multiple times. new tests came out like this 42/100, 47/100, 58/100 script line {p_cancel_spell;2;50} - cancels spells type 2 (magical and physical) on 50 % chance.