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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Nothing changed. It was always 4 for dwarf and 3 for other race. Same as on official. Stop spreading false info
  2. cos there is no oly to fight yet..
  3. Davaj! Anytime, anywhere, either in game or irl
  4. Answer is "2.0 soon"?
  5. Rizos

    PK points

    I like that encourage ppl to pk. I dont like pve games
  6. Rizos

    PK points

    Assholes who detag and try to farm high lvl spots and stealing mobs from other ppl and dont flag should be punished aswell, dont u think so? Once i pked 5 ppl in loa and i had to clear karma 20 min, then i had to go floran and wasted another 12 min + 3 min to run, so overall took me almost 40 min. Does 40 min mean instant for you?
  7. Rizos

    PK points

    cmon. PK system is already restricted a lot compared to official(on official you pk guy kill 2 mobs and use scrol on the same spot, then you can pk again). I dont find problems in current pk system, mby its even bad that its restricted cos i dont like custom changes, anyway on 2.0 scrolls are going to be 10x more expemsive so it will be "much harder" to pk than now. If the guy is complaining about current system which is already restricted compared to official, i think l2 classic isnt game for him and i came to conclusion he is pve player, and normal l2 would fit better to him. Do you think i started to play here and i was instantly 74 lvl? Nobody pked me? I started here 8 months after server start so obviously 90% of server population was higher lvl than me. Obviously i was geting pked if i didnt try to fight for high populated spot. Isnt it normal way to solve problem of ppl who try to ocupate your spot but dont want to pvp for it? As i said i was pked aswell by both vigi and perkunas but i didnt cry no forum like this guy does. PK system is needed and shouldnt be restricted because its only way to get rid of ppl who try to exp on exclusive spots but staying untagged.
  8. This guy. I knew he was retard but didnt expect his brain is damaged in such a high degree
  9. Rizos

    PK points

    I came here to help you my friend. Go try official server with new chronicles like ertheia. Im sure you can pve in peace there and make instances with your friends, without any chance of beeing pked. Try core server official european l2 server, Im sure you are going to enjoy it more than classic if you are pve type of player
  10. Mały pies glosno szczeka. Myrciu jak jestes nowy w l2 i sie nie znasz to sie nie wypowiadaj bo tylko sie osmieszasz. Gl z recruitment postem. Nie wien kto by chcial takiego trola bez skila z wielka geba.
  11. Hahaha myrciu bomj lf cp :D. Made my day. Good begining of monday at work
  12. In one hand you are right, for example daggers need speed boost from dyes but right now its impossible on classic. In the other hand if you gonna implement speed bonus from dex, warriors like tyrant glad destro etc will be fcked up, they are pretty ok now but if dex gonna give speed they would be much slower than they are now(if they want to keep high hp pool and dmg and go - dex) and they wont stand chance vs ranged classes like mages for example. This change would have big negative impact on meele pts - they are not top setups right now so i dotn think we need to nerf them. I loved speed bonus from dex aswell, this was making dex worth stat to boost, I always mained Abyss Walker with + dex dye, Now this class is broken cos of dex system, NCSOFT took away blinding blow for unknown reason (rly doesnt make sense for me and this sh1t making aw/pw useless and making TH only viable option- atleast on 1.5 classic). Now ppl piss on dex and go -15 dex because it doesnt decrease speed, evasion sadly doesnt matter much cos it works on god formula, atk speed matters alot but -dex decrease atk speed just a bit and you benefit more from additiona p atk or additional hp in MOST cases . But if you are going to implement custom change to dex, you would destroy current class balance. Some classes would become good but others would become useless and if u want to balance useless classes again you gonna make custom server with many custom changes that nobody would like to play.
  13. Rizos


    Polecam, najsilniejszy polski clan
  14. Spoko, lubie hipsterskie setupy. Ja bym wolal juz kota chyba do p atk, lepszy setup pod pvp
  15. Benefit? /use scroll of escape : claN hall /use pk scroll (a grade) I want that ch
  16. You think why cols went so cheap 130k each. Use your brain sometimes plz, mby you wont start such useless topic next time
  17. Look who is talking :D. The guy who exped untagged 95% of his onlinetime on server, rest 5% are changing clans every now and then. I remember when you started to talk on forum, i thought its another troll acc of datplays. Then I noticed you must be from vigazerg but couldnt find out which nick you use in game because i didnt have chance to see it cos you always pred 10k range away from us :D. You didnt even give me chance to read your nick even tho we had no war. 1shot sps from pt which pr before we even can render you at 10k range. Do you think you have any clue about server? Go back to untagged farm on abg and prepare pr, your opinion is worth zero here.