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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Hey all, I'm recruiting new players like myself to start out together in this server and get from 0 to hero! You have to be level 20+, speak English and be online relative to the EU TZ. Clan is currently level 3, we got a 6% EXP buff and if things keep up we should be 10% next week. The idea is to get a lot of active people around the same level together and make it easier to help each other, socialize and find friends. As the average level in the clan grows so does the min. level requirement to join, at the moment we are all lv20 to 50, expect the level req rise to 30 next week. As the clan grows in gear and level we start molding a core group into a CP and kicking inactives/join for buff people. I am also working on a PP and BD to help people get into raids as soon as possible - should be operational in 1-2 weeks. If you're interested either apply in game via the clan menu to "Exodus" stating where you're from or PM Sanshee in game.
  2. 2 points
    He have your voice recorded so .... who know's ? , now you must walk with your ass "to the wall" . ?
  3. 2 points
    right :d i was thinking before fatal got actually fixed, coz yeah, after fix half pt could go afk alt tab and watch videos and when you tabbed back to game you just saw this
  4. 2 points
    Great idea. Good luck. If u need alliance in future pm @BizQQuiT
  5. 2 points
    We see this topic became interesting for players, and some doubted our work, believing theres indeed witch hunt against Chinese players happening around. So we want to show how that case was proceeded from the start till now. We received bot report with few names to be checked. Check confirmed soft usage, bans given. Here is 1 of videos with 5 bots together. (Chat in all presented videos is blurred due to privacy policy. While check, players IPs/HWIDs are being checked, and we can not share this information publicly) Next day. Since trust credit of these people is on 0, connected to them accounts are continued to be checked. Yes, it happens all the time, so if some of your chars got banned for botting, you will be looked after on others as well. What do we find? More bots, of course. Here are 3 of many more videos: We have at least 8 more videos with other bots, connected to that case. (1 of characters name contains HOYO... coinsidence?) The main question: How do those bots connected to our "innocent" players. With a help of amazing thing, such as server logs, we can find a lot of interesting connections (all of them, actually). Some of main ones will be shown, but they are enough to understand, that our "unfairly banned" players has a veeery close connection to those bots, and profiting from them really well. I will show it on example of "unfairly banned" HoyoUP/ATM1/QianQianV Other "unfairly banned" in this case players has their connections as well, but they don't worth the time going through gigabytes of logs and gathering, screening, uploading same info for them as well. Our bots, shown in videos, are constantly sending/trading/dropping botted goods to the char ATM1 1 of the logs records: https://pix.my/8z1RTL Another one: https://pix.my/cZY1aM Third one: https://pix.my/TBp2Wp xiaohao - is the character from the same account as qqqqqppppp from the video 1 1 more with the character from 1st video: https://pix.my/jT8Sde (All you need to understand from these screens is character's interactions and items/Adena transfers between them). Item types are not always what you see in log, but it's too long to explain and you, most likely, are not gonna need it at any point of your life, so just leave it to us So, connection with "unfairly banned" ATM1 found. And it's clear as a morning dew. And now let's see what does ATM1 do: 1. Trading good amounts of botted adena with "unfairly banned" QianQuan and QianQianV https://pix.my/2fkIKQ 2. Trading with "unfairly banned" HoyoUP https://pix.my/nNK5DH 3. "Unfairly banned" QianQuan's interrogation with HoyoUP https://pix.my/EuEPYQ So all, what tens of bots gained, is now spreading between those chars. I will not mention IPs connections, which are all over the place btw, because (again) it's a matter of privacy policy and we are not allowed to open it on public. And now is the main question: Do people, using tens of character on bots for self profit, deserve to play on the project? Is it Ok to let them be, let them spread bots all over the map and turn server into trash? Or someone still thinks it's a witch hunt and all we want is to ban Chinese players? And last, but not least words about topic starter. He is not Chinese, but Russian, or at least Russian speaker, as his CP member confirmed. He is just a member of Chinese CP. What was the reason of pretending being Chinese and accusing us in hunting Chinese players is a mystery. His words "but only one person has used the bot. Bot was used for the first time! You should have unbanned all accounts. Since this is the first time!" are not true. All accounts, banned in this case, were involved in a mass botting operation. None of banned in this case accounts will ever be unbanned. Case closed without right to appeal or any further discussions.
  6. 1 point
    the more the merrier
  7. 1 point
    well i am glad my clan understands the facts. i was super pissed and mad after this dc. actually they lost cuz of me. and they didnt lost cuz i am super carry. as you will see on video that i ll post tomorrow i didnt used proper hero skills i didnt supported my cp cuz i had heavy lags and dc.every1 can hate me but this was the goal ppl and i did it PERFECTLY. 3 posts already for me. from flatline to max activity on game and on forum. @Rip THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT.
  8. 1 point
    Can you dedicate the 4th config to me? I can say stupid shit and then you can play it back to yomana and say that it was him who said it.
  9. 1 point
    Yes and our ts cam got ban ... cool day ...
  10. 1 point
    come on, we live in 2k19, being homophobic is not cool anymore
  11. 1 point
    So do I understand this correctly? You lost this fight because Zp got disconnected?
  12. 1 point
    @Destabilomaterializacja This guy i am sure he is masturbating continuosly thinking of ME...What the fak maybe he is a faking Stalker..Should i start be afraid of him ??
  13. 1 point
    Buongiorno a tutti ho startato su questo server giusto per provarlo (ma dentro dicevo bah e aperto da quasi 4 anni secondo me non ce gusto giocarci.) invece da quello che vedo e un server ancora pieno di vita con un ottimo mercato , Gm davvero attivi che rispondono ai Ticket nel tempo massimo di 1/2 ore , e a mia insaputa un bel gruppetto di Italiani che gioca qui su. Sono entrato nel clan Venom e devo dire che mi trovo molto Bene persone sempre disponibili che cercano di aiutare anche sacrificando il loro tempo per cercare di farti mettere al passo con loro. Volevo solo Augurare buon Game a tutti e ci si vede nel Mondo di L2
  14. 1 point
    Haven't you guys learned not to leave the nephew on pc yet?
  15. 1 point
    Yo, welcome. Just for the record - you can bump up the login bonus by filling the empty spots in clan with new chars which you set all to offline shop (preferably not on Aden square though - put them somewhere far from where people walk so you don't cause lags). When you want to invite new members, simply leave with one of the offline shopper and replace him with new member. This way you should get lv 3/4 active bonus everytime, which in a long run makes a lot of difference.
  16. 1 point
    If you have second pc coz after the cancel cycle macros you need to have active the window, example the BD who use every 2 min dances (Soon...... will be 5min). You can use the next to you keyboard or second pc to press the F key or can use some keyboard/mouse with macro set (if allowed) or you can use something like this https://www.ebay.com/itm/FS3-P-USB-Triple-Foot-Switch-Pedal-Control-Keyboard-Mouse-Plastic-ED/132014928940?epid=1479155798&hash=item1ebcb3f42c:g:BAUAAOSwj85YQBuM Or we cant play the game with foot? ?
  17. 1 point
    they want to eliminate every possible botter excuse. even if a botter gets caught red handed controlling multiple windows at once, they can claim that it's cycling macro and he manually resets it every 4 minutes
  18. 1 point
    AHAHAHAHA "little bit" Kappa LUL
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    We are buissnessmans Mr.Koll . ?
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    На правах АПА! Все те же на Манеже) стучите.пишите) по тихоньку растем.
  23. 1 point
    It's exactly how it's working. https://l2classic.club/forum/topic/3531-banunban-politics/ §2. Botting with multiple accounts. If you are caught with multiple accounts on bot, all will be banned. And we keep the right to ban every other your account, even which was not botting. Unbanning - look §1. If you will be caught on botting again, all your accounts will be banned permanently, and not botting accounts only.
  24. 0 points