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  1. 5 points
    PoV: sph,titan,necro,bishop
  2. 2 points
    Good news Everyone ! This is a guide about the experience and levels in lineage II. This guide is made for new players but also the experienced players will find many useful information. The guide shows the experience needed to achieve the different levels and a description of many items, skills and mechanics of how the experience works. I hope you enjoy it. All the information shown in this guide is gathered from the test server. What is experience? Experience points are the points necessary to level up your character. When you get a certain amount of experience points, your character will achieve the next level. The more level your character is more strong and greater skils it has. The experience points are mostly obtained by hunting mobs. And SP? SP means Skill Points. The skill points are the points necessary to learn skills. They are always earned when you earn experience. Experience from Level 1 to 60 At this section is shown the total experience needed to achieve the levels 1 to 60 and the experience needed to level up at each level. Experience table Experience chart Experience from Level 61 to 82 At this section is shown the total experience needed to achieve the levels 61 to 82 and the experience needed to level up at each level. Also there is an estimation of the SP earned and the time needed to level up for each level. Experience table Experience chart Bonus Experience and Skill points (SP) In this section there is a brief description of all the different Bonus and boosts you can get in game for Exp and SP. Over-hit Bonus. When you kill a monster with an skill that has the Over-Hit property you can earn more exp from the kill. The exp increase is proportional to the overkill damage. The maximum exp increase is around 30%. I wont explain in detail how this works. Party Bonus: Party size. Clan Bonus: Clan skills and Clan rewards. Clan Bonus: Castle related. Item Bonus: Consumables and Event items. Penalty Experience and Skill points (SP) Party Penalty: members level difference. Hunting Penalty: mobs level difference. Death penalty and Resurrection experience recovery Death Penalty Resurrection experience recovery Some Skill points experiments
  3. 2 points
    Hello fellow gamers! Hope you are having a good game, and enjoing the server as much as I'm doing ? Unfortunately I'm not playing that much during week-days for work/personal reasons, but my char is fishing, and waiting for my return for the weekend (yuppie! ) So, while I'm at work, and burning out of boredoom I was thinking that it would be awesome to have some guides (like, documents on google drive, or entire threads in the Tutorial section, with images and details) on: How to play in this server Simple guides on how to install the client (update the already existing guide), register (explaining the diffrence and importance of Main Account from Game Accounts), starting your first char (info about the starting bonuses and so on), using the Action House and so on What Quests must be done, and how to do those quests (like the Moon Knight obviously, but also side/repeatable quests that may come handy) What is the meta Which class to play, why everyone should have a Bow, how to handle adena as a newbie, when to change equipment, how to start fishing and so on Tools that can be used that will not get you banned for example: I used to play FFXIV from the head start, and used ACT almost from the same time, it was against the TOS of Square-Enix, but it was not game-breaking tool so it was (and is) accepted; this kind of tools, if any exists, for L2. Mods that can be used that will not get you banned: Color chat mod (and how to install it), any other possible mod (Like this one for example) Any other thing (recording gameplay? even taking a screenshot or how to use loop-macroes efficiently) All this little guides/tutorials will come handy for new (and returning) players, This will dissipate a lot of the misunderstandings of the people that starts playing here, or that come back after a while. And being made specifically for the server there would be no possibility for errors/variations (for example: i lost some time looking for the fishing quest that was listed on l2wiki, before knowing that it does not exists here ^^') Hope some veterans (or just more experienced player than me XD) will start posting, If you have any thought about this matter (like making an event with a prize for the best guide maybe (?) to involve more people), just answer on this thread See you in game!
  4. 1 point
    Thank you for your view! I added experience graphic: And maked a experience table showing the level difference and the experience earned by the party member (assuming only 2 ppl in party). Lvl diff % exp Lvl diff % exp 15 60,52 0 65,00 14 77,69 -1 64,16 13 76,72 -2 63,31 12 75,76 -3 62,45 11 74,81 -4 61,58 10 73,86 -5 60,70 9 72,93 -6 59,81 8 72,01 -7 58,91 7 71,10 -8 57,99 6 70,19 -9 57,07 5 69,30 -10 16,84 4 68,42 -11 16,56 3 67,55 -12 16,27 2 66,69 -13 15,98 1 65,84 -14 15,69 0 65,00 -15 0,00 Important ! The party always earn the same experience if the maximum level difference is 9 or less levels. The table shows how that experience is given to a member depending on the level difference from him and the other party member. (Note that in the experiment only was used 2 party members) Enjoy!
  5. 1 point
    There should be a well ranked system. As you said at least 3 tier 1. Content Creator (Gold,Silver,Bronze) 2. Contribute with a new chapter of the guide with another ranked system (Gold,Silver,Bronze). and a smaller reward Community+GM should be togheter using pool vote to evaluate a guide. In this way entire clan can't feed a Gold post of a clanmate if GM does not approve it and ranked it with a lower tier
  6. 1 point
    mass rez with silence legit) 16:27
  7. 1 point
    with every next video it looks more and more like a **** fiesta. @San0 and @Koll what about freaking giving us finally update with all the balancing which was planned, or if thats not possible, making freaking balance small patch on this version of server? srsly, all this speed pots running is getting out of hand, if its like this why not giving us also back spammable qhps which give 450 hp and not nerfed 150 hp so we look like proper japanese server where pvp consists of 1 guy running around on speed potions, spamming qhp, mp potions, elixirs, brooch talismans, etc ? you said several months ago you cannot put changes made on test server coz its different client, well, i guess you didnt expect is going to take you 2 years to go from saviors to zaken (and still not even ETA), so what about investing some time for current client to fix several problems? (like for example different skills castable/uncastable with silenece, core/liberate bug on oly and the list could go on). are we really supposed to play with such annoying things for more than half year more??
  8. 1 point
    Checked, can't put it in patch, l2 are too dark for some people after it. Will put it as optional. l2.ini
  9. 1 point
    Easy peasy from Olaf ? Spawn : Hi I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs Dying : This is the best day of my life and quite possibly the last !
  10. 1 point
    Sorry, totally forgot about this, but here we are, one more downloadable link for the program @Isoroku made, thx for it;) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Xkc2nnktv5mLygXuimCU6o8XMplma1uF
  11. 0 points
    We even help enemy side againts us,but they still loose pvp.
  12. 0 points
    Spawn: Snowmen fall from heaven unassembled! Death: Old snowmen never die, they just melt away.