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International clan recruiting cp's and solo players that want to have fun in the game, relax in a chill environment and enjoy everything this game has to offer, pvp, pve, wars, oly, sieges, alliances etc. Requirements: Understanding and communicating in English! You can contact me here or join
Hi community!! We are a CP of friends who play in EU prime, and now we are looking for a new member! Our loggin hours are from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. GTM +1 / GTM +2 Or more if your schedule allows We are looking for professions, preferably: SWS / OL / WC / NECRO Levels: +78 Clan: RavenSoul and Defcon1 In our CP we are a group of friends from different countries, so the communication language is in English. A new member is required with understandable English, and availability for discord and teamspeak. Our daily activities are based on lvl up / generate adena / and pvp whenever the logging allows it. For more information contact me via Discord: Draven#5490 If you have another class, other than the one mentioned but has high level, ask us! Thanks for your attention. Greetings, and see you inside!
Hi all! I hope this topic will be useful. Is there a chance that Bracelet lvling system would be reconsidered again ? - Natural limit for 28 coins per day max. Points: - It is good for casual players but there is no extra reward for players aiming to high end game. - Good level players are struggling to play and join server to bring new fresh big war game. They feel the unnecessary barrier to farm knowing they are in disadvantage. - You did well for start players. Which is good for casual players and useless for more advanced. Low level bracelet limitations: - Ability to farm better in PvE( no extra p/m atk.). - Olympiad - a person with ability to hold more talismans win. - High-end pvp ( evasion talisman, baium, FI talisman, olympaid talietc.) P.S. You added extra bracelet in game which gives nice boosters but might not be worn due to slot limitations. As 4% from White talisman is essential. Solutions: Either of those. - Additional quest which just gives Daily Coins as a reward - New bracelets embedded in client which can be bought for L-coins. -Mobs with Daily Coins rare chance drop (like you changed for Proof of Blood) I guess this should be also considered in anticipation of the update where "Meta" is changed and new popular classes might appear again. Thank you.
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Ahoj, jsme parta 4 hráčů, kteří zde začali hrát před pár dny a sháníme CZ/SK komunitu, buď čistě CZ/SK klan a nebo mezinárodní klan s českým jádrem. Zkušenosti s L2 máme již od C4 a náš věk se pohybuje mezi 26-35 let. Hrajeme spíše ve večerních hodinách, ale občas i přes den. /pm JayJakee
Dear Clan Leaders and Members of the Clans, At first I and my friends created a lvl 4 clan together just for playing together, but with time clan started growing with new members and with clan growth I started asking myself if we are managing our clan properly. As many of you have played Lineage 2 for a long time and have a lot of experience in relation to the matter, I thought to ask right people for an advice. The main question would be - how do you manage your clan? Which includes: 1. What clan rules, requirements you have implemented; 2. Have you set certain roles, responsibilities and which; 3. What is your clan warehouse management - do you ask clan members to lodge materials, recipes, unused gear and other misc items to clan warehouse; 4. How do you gear up people - do you craft gear, usables if members provide recipes, materials, or expect people to gear up themselves; 5. How do you structure clan in terms of what classes to invite to clan; 6. How do you manage your clan CP groups; 7. What is the process of clan recruiting - what questions do you ask before recruiting, what requirements do you set; 8. How do you settle clan member quarrels; 9. Do you organize any clan special events; 10. Do you use social media, websites, clan forums, communication apps such as TeamSpeak, Discord; 11. And last but not least - what qualities of clan leader should clan leader have? Any further information as online guides or videos in relation to clan management would be greatly appreciated!
Holis chiques! Tras el anuncio de Zaken 2.0 y con la creciente posibilidad de que viejos jugadores, nuevos jugadores, tu vieja tu abuela tu tia empiecen a jugar. HellCats abre sus filas para nuevos miembros! Que pedimos? Cuales son los requisitos? Si la inflamación no se va, el dolor vuelve? Que hables español. Que entres a viciar al menos una o dos horitas por dia 4 o 5 veces a la semana.(Tenes que rendir parciales? Anda a estudiar, no pasa nada. Te vas de viaje? disfruta, no pasa nada. Eso si, avisanos antes. Cada tanto hacemos limpieza y si no tenes aviso, te limpiamos del clan. Despues cuando vuelvas te damos clan devuelta. #NoPasaNa' ) Que no seas un simio de mierda, habla bien concha de la lora. Siempre que estes en el juego, entras al discord. No necesariamente al voicechat, pero al menos tenes que tener el discord abierto. Respeto a los demas miembros(si sos jodon, sabe buscar tus limites y bancatela cuando te joden) Que ofrecemos? Tan buena las minitas del clan? Mira el clan esta lv 4 con los siguientes pasivos: Clan Fortune lv3 (10% exp) Clan Body lv 2 ( 200HP) Clan Soul lv 1 (70MP) Clan Clarity lv 2(4% MP Recovery) Clan Might lv 2(4% P.Atk) Clan Shield lv 2(4% P.Def) Clan Empower lv 1(4% M.Atk) Clan M.Def. lv 1(6% M.Def) Clan Guidance lv1(1 Accuracy) Clan Agility lv1(1 Evasion) Clan WindWalk lv1(3 Speed) Siempre Cajita lv 4, Unity al menos lv 3(casi siempre lv 4) Tenes alguna duda del juego? no te preocupes papuh! les chiques de HellCats viciamos classic desde hace 3 años. Farmear, equiparse y pvp(igual no quita que seamos boludos!) siempre que tengas una duda te podemos dar una mano Al dia de la fecha, 21/9. Hay una party de lv 55-70 aprox (depende quien se conecta cambia el rango de lv) que vicea casi todos los dias en toi 5 en horarios varios. Son todos bienvenidos a cagarse a trompada con los chobis de toi. Hay unos jóvenes que recién empezaron. Arman rbs y toda la wea en lv bajo. Capaz, si sos lv bajo te super conviene este tipo de activdades Pequeñas aclaraciones: El clan es miembro de una alianza que armamos con los buenos amigos de OldSchool, gente tranca/copada muy amena. Es IMPERATIVO que se respete a todos los miembros de OldSchool. Asi que, te copa la idea? Comunicate al 0800, na te dejo el discord papuh y algunos pjs para un pm salvaje in game. AnniTheTank///FrostyShaman///t34artisan. Les Discordes=Fran#0087 // Budina#0379 Ante ultima aclaración. No, no hablamos inclusive, solo jodemos con eso. Last thing: I can speak/read/listen/write english. So if you come here from another post (which I did 2 weeks ago) or you are interesting in our clan but you just happened to speak english and bad spanish or maybe you speak portuguese and you want to give it a try. Pm me (budina#0379) I glady will help you to communicate with the rest of the clan, tho i'm just one person and I will do as much as one person can do.
The Goodlife! Clan lvl 5 alliance: Highlife Neutral mentality International but EU/English focused. Clan based on old clansystem. Goodlife's goal is to create and maintain a fun and social environment. We like to play this game as its supposed to be played; with people. Our discord information: If you are interested please apply with this form and we will contact you asap. For any diplomatic or recruitment questions pm/mail: xNevalon or Humble Goodluck & Have fun!
Hello guys, we're changing or aim of recruitment due to the new update. So I decided to clear this post. If you still desire to join us. Check the link ^^ San0 kse or koll ❤️ if you want delete this post. IDK HOW TO delete it by myself :C
Hallo, suche ein clan mit deutschen spielern.
Καλο μηνα ψαχνω κλαν ρε μαγκες κ γενικα παρεα! στειλε μου message αν το δει καποιος
Hey. I want a sociable clan. I really want to learn English. I promise a lot online every day. I want to listen a lot in English. The game experience is 11 years. Many clans use for text only. Only communication with the voice! PM (mail) AwokeR or feelthelife. I am 25 years old. Shilen Knight 55 lvl Warsmith 50 lvl Sorry my English is bad... discord: AwokeR (Влад) # 6170
DividEtImpera Ogłoszenie Chciałbym pozdrowić wszystkich podróżników którzy zawitali na ten serwer i jeżeli szukasz ludzi do wspólnej wędrówki po świecie Lineage ][ to serdecznie zapraszamy. Jesteś zainteresowany ? czytaj dalej Nasz klan Posiadamy 5 poziom klanu co gwarantuje mam dodatkowy bonus do zdobywanego doświadczenia ( 10 % ) oraz dodatkowe buffy ( speed, m.def, p.def etc. ). Nasze Ally Nasze Ally jest nastawione na PVE gdyż poziomy postaci to obecnie 50/60+ ( main ) więc i nie ma co się porywać z motyką na słońce aczkolwiek jeżeli nas ktoś atakuje oczywiście nie pozostajemy bierni i staramy się obronić. Jeżeli posiadasz już klan w którym jest więcej naszych rodaków to szukamy również klanu który chciałby dołączyć do naszego ally! Rozwijamy się w dosyć szybkim tempie aczkolwiek kładziemy duży nacisk na satysfakcje z gry. Podstawowa zasada : gra to ma być przyjemność a nie obowiązek. nasze wymagania ( spokojnie nie sa wygórowane ) KLAN DividEtImpera LVL 65+ zapał do gry chęć do pogawędek na TeamSpeak ( jest bardzo wesoło ) a reszta przyjdzie sama Zatem skoro dotarłeś do końca tej wiadomości kontaktuj się w grze z następującymi osobami Klan - DividEtImpera Madzior ( liderka klanu ) Ambrozja, Elissa, Jasnowlosa ( zastępca ) - rekrutacja Anseis ( zastępca ) - rekrutacja
Hi All, I have just started playing here, currently cleric on path to become bishop one day. Playing L2 on and off since 2005- mostly old chronicles, had few years break. Looking for someone to play with; EU timezone preferably. Can use TS or other communication methods. PM on forum or in game "GingerNinja. Greetings to players and thanks to administration for running this server. See you in game. -GingerNinja
About us: WhiteWalkers are a level 5 EU prime clan. Led by ambition, we strive to advance forward and establish a strong team. We have historically been a clan that values honesty and clarity, which explains our members' long term loyalty despite not belonging to a stronger side and having absolutely no support during hard times. Everything is talked straight. No misunderstandings lead to no drama. That's what keeps our tensions short and our bonds strong. Organisation: Currently, WhiteWalkers' clan leader is Lukstas with Sinasti and Fortuna as sub-leaders. We aim to achieve CP structure and further stabilize our core. Recruitment: Recruitment is open for all levels and classes at the moment. We're looking for CPs, clans to merge into us and solo players, that are willing to actively search for or create a CP. Only CPs can join the main clan. Solo players can stay in sub-clans until they form a CP. Diplomacy: We are always open to negotiations about anything. However, we're not taking a single step back when it comes to defending our clan's dignity, even if it means engaging in the sharpest of conflicts. This explains the loud minority of people that passionately dislike us, after they realised that we do not allow offenses to our dignity, despite us bearing an unfavourable status.
US eastern time gmt -5 bd lf active clan/cp.
- bd
- bladedancer
- (and 7 more)
Набор в клан, обычных работяг, не задротов, играем в свое удовольствие, уровень и класс неважен, скоро подтянутся еще знакомые на сервер. Пишите в игре на почту "combrigade и если что интересует обсудим уже все вытекающие, играть нужно в свое удовольствие и с людьми приятными и близкими по духу (с). и не нужно обливать меня грязью (форумных касается полководцев). Спасибо за внимание.