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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/17 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    so as title says: could not make myself fall sleep again and was too zombie to do anything serious, so i tried to pull out a candy for the boys and girls. its very simplistic system message color. not sure if everyone wil like it or not but as far as i know theres nothing else for now so better then nothing. damage done on green. damage received on red evades/misses on cyan crits on orange hp related pink mp related blue think im not missing anything hope its the correct file cuz atm i have gazilians of those on the pc so lemme know if all works fine. and if theres something you guys would prefer to have it other way. SystemMsg_Classic-eu.dat
  2. 7 points
    @rhaegar wanted some mellee CP. Here you go, meat is meat. P.S. Yes im getting more and more terrible on all classes because switching every two days. Oh oh oh 69.
  3. 4 points
    there are few more on his channel. There are also much older ones from 1.0, when ppl just scratched the 50's but i dont find them right now
  4. 3 points
    Gj on movie! what a fight! =) Maybe I will post some EE videos too
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    you can continue soloing green mobs in north ev and then go for seal of shilen, i suggest +str dyes and vr either from buffer or fishs. If you can find a constant party that farms toi much better. Is the only place where you can find single mob killing parties daily about dagger mastery triggering, its a shame we dont have it anymore. not also for soloing, but in group parties you could position behind mob to trigger it via higher crits more often and that way be more efficient dd on single mob killing, class was really interesting to play, not just autoattacks. Now you are equal or worst to other warriors since they have frenzy, zealot, bison, more sustain and ll be prefered over you on mele raid bosses, while in top of that they can also AoE and sacrifice dex for pvp compensating with othel rune. This together with the reduction of land rate and half-kill removal made daggers lost their pve niche of efficient 1b1 farmers compared to other fighters in my opinion I decided to just deal with it since it is official-like, and wait for better single mob killing performance after 77+ with critical wound and focus death/focus power. But also wait for changes to make not only daggers but all classes official like. Then it will be fair.
  8. 2 points
    Ooo finally some EE movie, big like from fellow EE... But gotta agree that EE needs trance, it just doesn't feel right playing without it
  9. 1 point
    Набор в клан, обычных работяг, не задротов, играем в свое удовольствие, уровень и класс неважен, скоро подтянутся еще знакомые на сервер. Пишите в игре на почту "combrigade и если что интересует обсудим уже все вытекающие, играть нужно в свое удовольствие и с людьми приятными и близкими по духу (с). и не нужно обливать меня грязью (форумных касается полководцев). Спасибо за внимание.
  10. 1 point
    Looking for SE 70+ (EU prime) more details in pm on forum/in-game.
  11. 1 point
    I am just interested in question about daggers. What about destiny of this poor class now? I am 61 pw guys all the time i was farming RBs and solo. In 1.5 ABG was closed for me( i dont know what aoe party is). So now we dont have dagger mastery trigger and even 1/3 blow rate for skills(i can miss by backstab in a back omg!!!11). Admins if you see this i want you to know it is very hard time for me, pls return at least trigger if skills now can miss the target( if not pvp class do it like pve just a little). P.S. and i certainly understand that all TOI have weakness for daggers, but lets be fair TOI for solo exping is very hard place even with trigger! I hope my topic will do good for all server i am with you L2classic!
  12. 1 point
    gladi is very good in this version, especially if you know how to play it properly. overall a fun class to play. DA is broken beyond salvation. you just need to spam 2 skills, and the panther will do the rest.
  13. 1 point
    *nods* hell yeah.
  14. 1 point
    Cloaks only for necro!
  15. 1 point
    If you hold it upsidedown it actually looks like a Lance so he should be able to throw it
  16. 1 point
    This party is kinda cool, one CP against whole serve. GG guys respect from me
  17. 1 point
    You can just delete user.ini from System folder and start updater. It's already there.
  18. 1 point
    wtf are u doing here, get back to duty slacker
  19. 1 point
    Infinite zoom No virus. Download and raplace your user.ini in system game, When you update the game, replace again. User.ini
  20. 1 point
    As lots of players lost some of the items from achievement system due to multiple problems (full inventory bug mostly), all players 40 + received a compensation box containing the main items that could have been lost this way. NOTE: Client update required. Best regards.
  21. 1 point
    - Fixed Baium Talisman and Talisman of insolence VI not displaying the glow effect on right hand when equipped. - Fixed problm allowing fish to start while player is on private store mode. - Fixed Not being able to teleport to cities while on siege. - Fixed multiple problms with new auto soulshot bar. - Fixed Sigel Runes to increase the max HP only instead of increasing and healing it. - Fixed problm causing error uppon fail on lvling insolence talisman from I to II where it would give no item back. - Fixed cost for Wind Walk clan skill. - Fixed Cast time for skill Immortal Life. - Fixed Aden castle teleport to forbidden gateway. - Fixed Aden NPCs not generating Cloak of Darkness and Cloak of Light - Rechecked and fixed (if needed) the following Raid Boses stats and EXP/SP rewards: Sukar Ratman Chief Greyclaw Kutus Kuroboros' Priest Langk Matriarch Rashkos Chertuba of Great Soul Execution Grounds Watchman Guillotine Sejarr’s Servant Soul Collector Acheron Evil Spirit Tempest Lizardmen Captain Hellion Leader of Cat Gang Leto Chief Talkin Nakondas Road Scavenger Leader Shaman King Selu Wizard of Storm Teruk Retreat Spider Cletu Earth Protector Panathen Flamestone Golem Thief Kelbar Timak Orc Ranger Captain Archon Susceptor Beacon of Blue Sky Evil Spirit Cyrion Fafurion's Henchman Istary Iron Giant Totem Shacram Tiger King Karuta Timak Orc Gosmos Barion Necrosentinel Royal Guard King Tarlk Karte Ketra's Commander Atis Mirror of Oblivion
  22. 1 point
    rly.. I dont know why you crying... dagger mastery trigger just not on classic... dagger is just bad for RBs and solo too compred with archer for example or others classes... I dont know what every dagger except on classic? You think u will solo RBs or toi? and you will kill everything in pvp like wanna be pro gustavs in movies from different chronicles or some movies from Grain Kain where you can see just dagger with 79 lvl full epic, toi talismas, etc.. vs 70 lvls and giving there 10k backstab? wake up guys please.... 2.0 just not dagger patch but daggers are ok... if one day in future you will 78+ and maybe 2.5 patch up (but u know 2.0 soon so 2.5 idk :D) you will see dagger will be good... EDIT btw is rly fun when someone who playing PW crying about land rate.. men cmon change to TH and u will see what is fkin bad land rate u will love PW after this...
  23. 1 point
    im giving this thread number 5 of QQ bout daggers this month.
  24. 1 point
    First player.who fraps not all wins,but and looses,respect from me. P.S sry for kill in the end
  25. 1 point
    Немного обновил патчик. 1. Заменил " Теперь агрессивные школьники могут напасть на вас" на " Теперь агрессивные монстры могут напасть на вас", т.к. почему-то эта надпись многих нервировала. 2. Добавил в скобочках название рун на русском, т.к. многие путались в английских рунах, и плохо ориентировались. 3. Вернул Параметры на английском, чтобы было легче ориентироваться в татушках.
  26. 1 point
    Q.Q change Hurtsssss. Change hurtsssss. Soon i make ES power or Driver power @TysonBG
  27. 1 point
    Порылся я в User.ini и после очередного колличества седых волос переделал Zoom. Теперь работает на ура и везде, активируется после первого нажатия правои кнопки мыши. Загрузил пока тут
  28. 0 points
    The player under the nickname"PUNKTAZ" tank picked up the item and did not return the person with whom he was in 1 party,
  29. 0 points
    You dont recruit him. Its best forum troll. I dont want to lose one more guy in forum...