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Everything posted by Kure

  1. I kinda feel that SE suits there more than EE... But who am I to judge .. (Free bump)
  2. Kure

    ZacMan PVP (3)

    wtf did i just watch..
  3. Kure

    Eu cp lf necro 72+

    If 72+ means IQ ... im sure hes out
  4. Kure


    You call it dickholding then... You know there are enemies which deserves respect.... and which doesnt. And there are JungleForces.
  5. Kure


    Well... What do you expect from someone who claims: Quote: "SoulMate is fucking zerg which recruit every fail CP which move" Prolly it wasnt quote from himself (it was in Greek).. But it was for sure someone from his Bottaki cancer CP.. /yeah, flame_mode on.. i missed you @Myrtan
  6. Kure


    P.S. I dont understand this argue at all, is it that hard to accept that we both lost there (bcs of numerous factors which every sane person see at first sight) and just move on? As I told here, it was fun for me, you dont see all three sides at one battlefield at all... I just regret we didnt have proper setup, it was just "yolo random gank pt"... this fight deserved better
  7. Kure


    @Rip CP appeared 12 seconds after our first engagement @Myrtan. (got that from my own fraps) Which is totally enough to wipe everything on the battlefield becouse of both forces fighting there had just different priorities (moment of surprise). Argument about "low MP" seems to me a bit invalid.
  8. Wow, what a nice surprise! Dont get me wrong, people tend to be fucking cunts and do that for w/e reasons (i hate myself this kind of behaviour tbh).. But look a it from the other perspective... If on 2 years old (!) server are these kind of people in every location even around starting village... Thats good and means it could still be entertaining from the lowest levels..
  9. Having Nightshade there alltogether with "PTS" information is not correct in my eyes...
  10. Kure


    So goodlife is Jungle side now? Good to know.
  11. Kure


    more wars = more enemies = more pvp = MORE FUN
  12. Most of physical skills have formula "ignores shield defense" afaik... 500-650 is just normal korean random in that case then if im not mistaken.
  13. Kure


    That was fun, you arrived at the moment to sweep everything what left from that engagement izi frags. Finally something is happenening again. /edit: to make some things clear, it wasnt just "one Soulmate CP", it was Cleef CP (without EE and one DD) and lets say half "yolo random suicide party" (aka no heal, boxed disco etc...)... Just to prevent some flame that we had there "more than one pt" ...
  14. why you mention our epic twinks clan here?
  15. summon @Phoenix... seems to me it has gone too far..
  16. as a mage you have mastery since lvl 1 that you have best cast.speed, atk speed etc in robe.... heavy/light passives just compensate this possible lost... try use heavy on some nuker without this mastery and then switch to robe. you will see difference in atk speed...
  17. guess he was refering to that girl raped by imigrants but dunno for sure
  18. do you have same opinion on half (rough estimation) of your chinese ally? exping untagged and engage only with zerg for possible -4, otherwise just bsoe/pr/(force)relog... i smell double standards around here
  19. As for RBs (and pve in general) ES and cat are way better healers than bishop...
  20. 1) TK, pala, PW 2) pullers (tannks, sws, bd) 3) everyone can find a slot if he has something to offer in pt 4) no 5) atm dying
  21. nobody cares about boosts.. its about runes...
  22. Keep dreaming about bosses lets say 40+ in 2.0. Only very little amount of them will be killed by random parties thats for sure.
  23. Kure

    Random content.

    ...Eyyy dude, pick up that soap from the floor please...